舊生兄弟姊妹優先註冊 (Priority Enrollment for Siblings of Current Students)

日期 Date: 3/5/2016
時間 Time: 9:30 to 10:30am
地點 Location: Morrill Middle School Multi-purpose Room
舊生兄弟姊妹優先註冊的班級有(Classes open for siblings registration): MP, CP, CK and CFLK
請攜帶以下文件辦理註冊 : 學生出生證明及$340 學費(支票)
Document and payment required: Birth certificate only & check for $340 (tuition & registration fees)
註: 文件不齊將無法受理
Note: Registration will not be accepted without the required document
IMPORTANT: Please visit BCS website (https://www.bcs-usa.org/registration), fill in the registration form online, print it out and bring it with you.
[表格 Forms]