明天星期日(二月五日)我們會和兩位老師(姜新新和朱嫺珩)前往Children’s Discovery Museum (www.cdm.org)參加農曆新年的慶祝活動,到時姜老師會教授如何製作麵粉公仔(捏麵人),朱老師會教授一些手工藝製作,我們中國樂器的李浩勤老師也會帶領十多位學生表演一些中國樂曲。有興趣的家長和同學們可以前來參觀,但需要付入場費$13。
下一個星期六(二月十一日)是我們的學術比賽頒獎典禮和慶祝中國農曆新年,有興趣的家長請前來Morrill MPR 參加這項盛會。
Teachers Liang & Tat,some of our board members and volunteers will participate the Lunar New Year Celebration at Children’s Discovery Museum on Feb 5th, 2017. Teacher Liang will teach people how to make flour dolls and teacher Tat will teach some handcrafts. Chinese Instrument teacher Lee will perform some Chinese music with her students. There is a $13 admission fee.