大家好!下星期六 (5月5日)是我們的選舉日,請大家前往各辦公室投票選出下學年的校董成員,謝謝!How are you? BCS election day is next Saturday (5/5), please come to the office and vote for the board members for the next school year. Thank you!
博愛中文學校 Berryessa Chinese School
P.O. Box 32988, San Jose, CA 95152 | Voice Mail (408) 5200-BCS | Email bcs_board@yahoo.com
大家好!下星期六 (5月5日)是我們的選舉日,請大家前往各辦公室投票選出下學年的校董成員,謝謝!How are you? BCS election day is next Saturday (5/5), please come to the office and vote for the board members for the next school year. Thank you!