BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW05 10/10/2020

Dear Parents,
Congratulations to all the newly elected or extended class representatives for 2020-21 school year. Your involvement in school communication is very crucial to instantly channel all messages from BCS to your class parents. Please refer to the attached file for the guideline of your roles and duties.
Current COVID-19 pandemic situation remains severe across all the states in the US. There are schools reopen for in person classes which at the end have to shut down in a short period of time due to the rise of COVID-19 cases in the school. BUSD began another round of survey to understand the expectancy of the parents toward the school reopening plan. BCS will update everyone once there’s new progress in sight.
Below are some activities maybe your interest:






聯絡人:王婉君 408-623-2038 lisa.wang@anccs.org
汪昌泰 408-893-5968 thomas.wang@anccs.org


CHCP (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project)

CHCP (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project)  proudly presents “Tiger Spirit”, a film that honors four local veterans who tell their stories of war and how they made it through the WWII China-Burma-India Theatre of Operations to help save China as the U.S. and its allies fought an imperialist empire.
The virtual showing begins today, October 8, 2020, at 8:00 P.M. and runs through Oct. 12, as part of the 75 Year Remembrance package at the Silicon Valley Asian Pacific Film Festival https://svapfilmfest.org/ .
 I with CHCP started a recognition for the Chinese American Veterans during the 70th Anniversary of the end of WWII in 2016. Through this experience I began to learn and understand  how these veterans  experienced life, conditions and opportunities so different from my own.   So I wove my reflection into the youth program CHCP offers, so that another generation could also be enlightened and appreciate the hidden history of Chinese American WWII Veterans and the social times in which they lived, sacrificed and survived.
The film project team will continue to fine tune the film after the film festival for its target audience – high school  U.S. History classes throughout Santa Clara County. We also will develop and distribute a teacher curriculum guide to accompany the film.
Below is information on how you can view “Tiger Spirit: Chinese American Veterans of the China–Burma-India Theatre”
Please call me if you have problems getting in to purchase your film package.  Brenda  408-946-4015; 408-228-2424
For information to see the SV Asian Pacific Film Festival and sign up to see CHCP’s sponsored film, TigerSpirit: Chinese American WWII Veterans of the Chinese-Burma-India Theatre. Additional info about this film can be found on chcp.org …upcoming events.
This film is part of the 75 Year Remembrance package which is only $5 for the 4 films. Please visit svapfilmfest.eventive.org  The various packages can be located via the Virtual Festival Link.
NOTE: Due to an administrative issue the availability for the Tiger Spirit film will not be until 6pm, 10/8, when the svapff website is updated. Also the film showing will be extended for an additional 2 days until 10/12.

 The film trailer is available for viewing. Once you unlock a film within the film package the viewer has 48 hours to finish watching the entire film package.

With Kind Regards,

Berryessa Chinese School
voice mail: (408)5200-BCS(408-520-0227)


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