Since 1980, the Berryessa Chinese School located in the Berryessa district of San Jose, California has provided the youth of the Bay Area with an environment to learn the Chinese language and its culture. Classes are offered in both Mandarin and Cantonese from 0 to 8th grade, plus cultural classes for both students and adults. The school hosts over 30 language classes and 17 cultural classes ranging from Chinese calligraphy, painting, martial arts, badminton and more.
創校宗旨 Mission Statement
- 促進中國語言和中國文化之傳承和推廣
- To provide an opportunity for learning the Chinese language and its culture
- 加強社區多元化及各族裔間的了解
- To enhance multi-culture understanding and diversity in our communities
- 令我們的孩子有更好的生活
- To enrich the quality of life for our children
上課時間 Operating Hours
課程 Program
- 國語班 Mandarin
- 粵語班 Cantonese
- 中文外語班 CFL (Chinese as a Foreign Language)
- 高中綜合班 High School Integrated Chinese Class (HSIC)
- 文化班 Cultural
聯絡我們 Contact Us
- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 32988, San Jose, CA 95152
- VOICE MAIL: (408) 5200-BCS (408-520-0227)
- EMAIL: board@bcs-usa.org
- WEB: www.bcs-usa.org
- FOLLOW: BCS Facebook
校舍 Campus
- 3rd grade and below & HSIC: Morrill Middle School: 1970 Morrill Ave, San Jose
- 4th grade and above: Sierramont Middle School: 3155 Kimlee Drive, San Jose
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students: The Berryessa Chinese School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.