BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW10 11/09/2019

Dear Parents,
This year is BCS 40th anniversary. BCS will be making memorable yearbook and T-shirt for sale as one part of the celebration events. You may order the yearbook, T-shirt or both (at discounted price) using the attached form. Please do so before the due date to help BCS fulfill the right amount of orders than excess.
This year we are celebrating BCS 40 th Anniversary. BCS Spring Performance (SP) and Spring Performance Poster Contest will become parts of 40 th anniversary celebration. The SP will be held on Saturday, Mar 14, 2020 at the Multi-Purpose Room of Sierramont Middle School. If you and your class are interested in any of two events, Poster Contest and Spring Performance, please submit the following application form to any BCS offices. Please refer to the attached file for details.
Every class is required to submit 2 pages for BCS 40th anniversary yearbook. Please refer to the attached zipped file for the template and details about the contents. Please email to yearbook@bcs-usa.org  should you have any questions. The submission due by Feb/15/2020.
The Academic Competition Registration Form of 2020 was distributed to all classes last Saturday(10/26/2019).  Please remember to pick up the forms from the campus offices and distribute to your classes. Please remind the students that the registration deadline is 11/16/2019. On the day of the deadline, please collect then submit all the students’ registration forms with the class cover form as well as the checks for the fee to the campus offices by 10am. Please pay special attention that, the age cut off date is September 1 for group classification, which is different from previous years.
Teachers, please highly encourage your students to participate in the competition.
During the holiday, you may shop at smile.amazon.com to generate AmazonSmile donations for BCS.
Please check with your department associate deans if you are unsure about anything to watch out in the classroom.
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 10    11/09/2019
                                      Language Classes     Culture Classes
Morrill                         MP [3] C1A [3]     L13 (Shaolin Wushu 少林武術) [2]
Sierramont                 C4A [3] M6 [3]     S9 (Chinese Go 圍棋) [2]
Piedmont                         C10 [2] CFL8 [2]     HSIC3/4   [2]
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
         Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes)  

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW09 11/02/2019

Dear Parents,
This year is BCS 40th anniversary. BCS will be making memorable yearbook and T-shirt for sale as one part of the celebration events. You may order the yearbook, T-shirt or both (at discounted price) using the attached form. Please do so before the due date to help BCS fulfill the right amount of orders than excess.
This year we are celebrating BCS 40 th Anniversary. BCS Spring Performance (SP) and Spring Performance Poster Contest will become parts of 40 th anniversary celebration. The SP will be held on Saturday, Mar 14, 2020 at the Multi-Purpose Room of Sierramont Middle School. If you and your class are interested in any of two events, Poster Contest and Spring Performance, please submit the following application form to any BCS offices. Please refer to the attached file for details.
Every class is required to submit 2 pages for BCS 40th anniversary yearbook. Please refer to the attached zipped file for the template and details about the contents. Please email to yearbook@bcs-usa.org  should you have any questions. The submission due by Feb/15/2020.
A very successful Fall Carnival on last Saturday. Please refer below for the thank you message from the Principal.

The Academic Competition Registration Form of 2020 was distributed to all classes last Saturday(10/26/2019).  Please remember to pick up the forms from the campus offices and distribute to your classes. Please remind the students that the registration deadline is 11/16/2019. On the day of the deadline, please collect then submit all the students’ registration forms with the class cover form as well as the checks for the fee to the campus offices by 10am. Please pay special attention that, the age cut off date is September 1 for group classification, which is different from previous years.

Teachers, please highly encourage your students to participate in the competition.
During the holiday, you may shop at smile.amazon.com to generate AmazonSmile donations for BCS.
Please check with your department associate deans if you are unsure about anything to watch out in the classroom.
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 9    11/02/2019
                                      Language Classes         Culture Classes
Morrill                         MK [3]         C2 [3] L10 (Cartoon Drawing 漫畫) [2]
Sierramont                 C5 [3]         CFL3 [3] S11 (Badminton 羽毛球) [2]
Piedmont                         C12/C11 [2] HSIC1 [2] HSIC2   [2]
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
         Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes)  

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW08 10/26/2019

Dear Parents,
This year is BCS 40th anniversary. BCS will be making memorable yearbook and T-shirt for sale as one part of the celebration events. You may order the yearbook, T-shirt or both (at discounted price) using the attached form. Please do so before the due date to help BCS fulfill the right amount of orders than excess.
Every class is required to submit 2 pages for BCS 40th anniversary yearbook. Please refer to the attached zipped file for the template and details about the contents. Please email to yearbook@bcs-usa.org  should you have any questions. The submission due by Feb/15/2020.
The school end by 11:30am and there will be no culture class this Saturday for Fall Carnival event in Sierramont Middle School.
Fall Carnival event (10/26/2019) is on this Saturday, everyone is encouraged to visit the event in Sierramont Middle School. There will also be Halloween costume competition on the same day. Here is the reward for the costume contest: 1st – $50, 2nd – $30 & 3rd – $20. Please refer to the attached file for the event flyer.
There was an incident that parent ran over the barricade cone last Saturday in Sierramont at the school front entrance to the parking lots. Both parking lots are reserved for teachers and board members. Please follow the traffic instruction from our parent patrol for the safety of everyone in the school campus compound.
All parents and students in Sierramont should only enter the classroom from outside. This has been BCS policy for long time. If you have any doubts, please stop by BCS office to review our students handbook.
Please check with your department associate deans if you are unsure about anything to watch out in the classroom.
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 8                10/26/2019
                                      Language Classes Culture Classes
Morrill                         M1 [3]        CFL0 [3]-
Sierramont                 M3 [3]   CFL4 [3]-
Piedmont                         CFL7 [2]   HSIC2 [2]-
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
         Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes)  

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW07 10/19/2019

Dear Parents,
This year is BCS 40th anniversary. BCS will be making memorable yearbook and T-shirt for sale as one part of the celebration events. You may order the yearbook, T-shirt or both (at discounted price) using the attached form. Please do so before the due date to help BCS fulfill the right amount of orders than excess.
Fall Carnival event (10/26/2019) is approaching, all classes are encouraged to setup a booth during the event. Please contact each campus office for the application form or download from https://www.bcs-usa.org/2019/09/27/fall-carnival-registration-form/
Please check with your department associate deans if you are unsure about anything to watch out in the classroom.
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 7                10/19/2019
                                      Language Classes Culture Classes
Morrill                         M2 [3] CFL1B [3] L4 (Western Drawing 西畫 ) [2]
Sierramont                 M4 [3] CFL5B [3] S4 (Chinese Painting 中國繪畫) [2]
Piedmont                         CFL8 [2] HSIC3/4 [2] AP   [2]
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
         Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes)  

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW06 10/12/2019

Dear Parents,
Please be informed that fire drill will be on this Saturday (10-12-2019) in each campus. You may refer to the attached file for the procedure.
This year is BCS 40th anniversary. BCS will be making memorable yearbook and T-shirt for sale as one part of the celebration events. You may order the yearbook, T-shirt or both (at discounted price) using the attached form. Please do so before the due date to help BCS fulfill the right amount of orders than excess.
Fall Carnival event (10/26/2019) is approaching, all classes are encouraged to setup a booth during the event. Please contact each campus office for the application form or download from https://www.bcs-usa.org/2019/09/27/fall-carnival-registration-form/
Please check with your department associate deans if you are unsure about anything to watch out in the classroom.
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 6                10/12/2019
                                      Language Classes Culture Classes
Morrill                         CP [3] CFL1A [3] L1 (Mental Arithmetic 珠心算) [2]
Sierramont                 M5 [3] CFL5A [3] MC   [2]
Piedmont                         M7 [2] C6 [2]         PX5 (Chinese Instruments 中國樂器演奏) [2]
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
         Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes)  

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW05 10/05/2019

Dear Parents,
Please be informed that fire drill will be on the following Saturday (10-12-2019) in each campus. You may refer to the attached file for the procedure.
Fall Carnival event (10/26/2019) is approaching, all classes are encouraged to setup a booth during the event. Please contact each campus office for the application form or download from https://www.bcs-usa.org/2019/09/27/fall-carnival-registration-form/
Please check with your department associate deans if you are unsure about anything to watch out in the classroom.
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 5                10/05/2019
                                      Language Classes Culture Classes
Morrill                         CK2 [3] CFL2 [3] CC   [2]
Sierramont                 M6 [3] CFL6 [3] S11 (Badminton 羽毛球) [2]
Piedmont                         M8 [2] C7 [2] P11 (Badminton 羽毛球) [2]
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
         Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes)  

秋季園遊會報名表 Fall Carnival Registration Form

秋季園遊會時間 (Fall Carnival Date and Time): 2019年10月26日星期六 由上午11時30分至下午3時。Saturday 10/26/19 11:30 am to 3:00 pm.

地點 (Location): Sierramont Middle School (3155 Kimlee Drive, San Jose, CA 95132)

攤位費用 (Booth fee):   學校 (School) $10 / 校區廠商 (External Organization) $30

請填妥下列表格及附上參加費用交到各校區辦公室的活動組文件夾内。截止日期是10月12日上午10時30分前。除各班可設置攤位外, 歡迎校外其他團體設置攤位。

Please fill in sign up form and return with booth fee to any BCS campus office no later than Oct 12 10:30am.  Beside internal classes, BCS welcome all external organizations.

2019-FallCarnivalApplicationForm (PDF Format)

BCS Fall Carnival Student Volunteer

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW04 09/28/2019

Dear Parents,
Please forward this eNews to your class parents. All new class representative need to turn in the contact sheet to each campus office or department associate deans. 
New class representatives meeting on this Saturday (09/28/2019). This will be held at the same time (9:30am to 10:30am) across all campus.
    Morrill            – library
    Sierramont    – library, drawing for Sierramont Fall Carnival parent helpers to the assigned time slot.
    Piedmont      – library
Fall Carnival event (10/26/2019) is approaching, all classes are encouraged to setup a booth during the event. Please contact each campus office for the application form.
There are a list of seminar related to credit transfer and college application planning in Piedmont Middle School Library between 10:30 to 11:30am as below:
– Sep 28 High School curriculum and College application planning
Please note the new campus classes assignments:
Morrill:          MP, MK, M1, M2, CFLK, CFL1, CFL2, CP, CK, C1, C2
Sierramont:    M3, M4, M5, M6, CFL3, CFL4, CFL5, CFL6, C3, C4, C5
Piedmont:      M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, HSIC1, HSIC2, HSIC3/4, CFL7, CFL8, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11/12
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 4                09/28/2019
                                  Language Classes   Culture Classes
Morrill                     CK1 [3] MP [3] L13 (Shaolin Wushu 少林武術) [2]
Sierramont             C3 [3]         M3 [3] S13 (Cartoon Drawing 漫畫) [2]
Piedmont                     M9 [2]         C8 [2] HSIC1   [2]
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
         Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes)  

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW03 09/21/2019

Dear Parents,
All new class representative, please turn in your contact sheet to each campus office or collected by each language associate deans. Otherwise, all previous year class representatives remain in duty for the first 3 weeks. Until the next candidates are appointed, they will continue in duty to assist BCS in routine assignment. 
New class representatives meeting will be next week (09/28/2019). This will be held at the same time across all campus. During the meeting, there will be drawing for Sierramont Fall Carnival parent helpers to the assigned time slot. All Sierramont class representatives, please make sure you attend the meeting.
Fall Carnival event (10/26/2019) is approaching, all classes are encouraged to setup a booth during the event.
There are a list of seminar related to credit transfer and college application planning in Piedmont Middle School Library between 9:00 to 10:00am as below:
– Sep 21 High School curriculum and College application planning
– Sep 28 High School curriculum and College application planning
Please note the new campus classes assignments:
Morrill:          MP, MK, M1, M2, CFLK, CFL1, CFL2, CP, CK, C1, C2
Sierramont:    M3, M4, M5, M6, CFL3, CFL4, CFL5, CFL6, C3, C4, C5
Piedmont:      M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, HSIC1, HSIC2, HSIC3/4, CFL7, CFL8, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11/12
**Campus Patrol**
                          Week 3           9/21/2019
                        Language Classes              Culture Classes
Morrill         C1B [3]     MK [3]     L10 (Cartoon Drawing 漫畫) [2]
Sierramont C4B [3]     M4 [3]     S9 (Chinese Go 圍棋) [2]
Piedmont         M10 [2]     C9 [2]     HSIC2   [2]
       Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
       Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes) 
Please refer to the link below for patrol schedule of each class.


BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW02 09/14/2019

Dear Parents,

2018-2019 class representatives and liaisons duty is extended up to week 3. All newly elected class representative(s) are urged to complete the contact form. Please return the completed form to BCS office as soon as you can. All newly elected personnel will then begin to receive eNews later.

BCS will distribute a full version of “students & parents handbook” to new students. All returning students will receive supplement version. Please sign the “Parent Return Slip” (2 pages) when received. All class representatives will collect them and return to each campus office.

Classroom assignment changes:
Piedmont:  ( M11 ) room 19 to 22
Sierramont: ( S13 Cartoon Drawing ) room 5A to 27
                   ( M6 ) room 2C to 2A
                   ( MC Mandarin Conversation )  room 6C to 3A
Morrill: ( C2 ) B4 to B1

There’s a car accident last Saturday at BUSD maintenance office parking lot. Please refer to the attached pictures. If anyone noticed this incidence, please contact us.

There are a list of seminar related to credit transfer and college application planning in Piedmont Middle School Library between 9:00 to 10:00am as below:
– Sep 14 High School Chinese as a 2nd language credit transfer program
– Sep 21 High School curriculum and College application planning
– Sep 28 High School curriculum and College application planning
Please note the new campus classes assignments:
Morrill:          MP, MK, M1, M2, CFLK, CFL1, CFL2, CP, CK, C1, C2
Sierramont:    M3, M4, M5, M6, CFL3, CFL4, CFL5, CFL6, C3, C4, C5
Piedmont:      M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, HSIC1, HSIC2, HSIC3/4, CFL7, CFL8, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11/12
**Campus Patrol**
                          Week 2           9/14/2019
                        Language Classes                    Culture Classes
Morrill         C1A [3] M1 [3]         L4 (Western Drawing 西畫 ) [2]
Sierramont C4A [3] M5 [3]         S11 (Badminton 羽毛球) [2]
Piedmont         M11 [2] C10 [2]         P11 (Badminton 羽毛球) [2]
       Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
       Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes) 
Please refer to the link below for patrol schedule of each class.


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