Author: BCS IT
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW09 11/02/2019
The Academic Competition Registration Form of 2020 was distributed to all classes last Saturday(10/26/2019). Please remember to pick up the forms from the campus offices and distribute to your classes. Please remind the students that the registration deadline is 11/16/2019. On the day of the deadline, please collect then submit all the students’ registration forms with the class cover form as well as the checks for the fee to the campus offices by 10am. Please pay special attention that, the age cut off date is September 1 for group classification, which is different from previous years.
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW08 10/26/2019
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW07 10/19/2019
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW06 10/12/2019
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW05 10/05/2019
秋季園遊會報名表 Fall Carnival Registration Form
秋季園遊會時間 (Fall Carnival Date and Time): 2019年10月26日星期六 由上午11時30分至下午3時。Saturday 10/26/19 11:30 am to 3:00 pm.
地點 (Location): Sierramont Middle School (3155 Kimlee Drive, San Jose, CA 95132)
攤位費用 (Booth fee): 學校 (School) $10 / 校區廠商 (External Organization) $30
請填妥下列表格及附上參加費用交到各校區辦公室的活動組文件夾内。截止日期是10月12日上午10時30分前。除各班可設置攤位外, 歡迎校外其他團體設置攤位。
Please fill in sign up form and return with booth fee to any BCS campus office no later than Oct 12 10:30am. Beside internal classes, BCS welcome all external organizations.
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW04 09/28/2019
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW03 09/21/2019
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW02 09/14/2019
2018-2019 class representatives and liaisons duty is extended up to week 3. All newly elected class representative(s) are urged to complete the contact form. Please return the completed form to BCS office as soon as you can. All newly elected personnel will then begin to receive eNews later.
BCS will distribute a full version of “students & parents handbook” to new students. All returning students will receive supplement version. Please sign the “Parent Return Slip” (2 pages) when received. All class representatives will collect them and return to each campus office.
There’s a car accident last Saturday at BUSD maintenance office parking lot. Please refer to the attached pictures. If anyone noticed this incidence, please contact us.