2019北加州學術比賽優勝名單 ANCCS Academic Competition Award List

Dear Parents, 2019北加州學術比賽已於3/31/2019在Mission San Jose High School順利舉行,博愛派出70位同學參加,表現出色,在此恭賀所有得獎的同學,更要表揚沒有得獎同學全力以赴的比賽精神,每個人都是博愛之光! 2019 ANCCS Academic Contest was held in Mission San Jose High School on 3/31/2019. BCS students got a great score and congrats to all the winners. In the meantime, we want to praise those didn’t win but still show their best competition spirit. They all are the brilliant stars of BCS !Continue reading “2019北加州學術比賽優勝名單 ANCCS Academic Competition Award List”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW25 04/06/2019

Dear Parents, Placement test on this Saturday ( 4/06 ) will be held in Sierramont Library. CFL & HSIC 12:30 pm check in, tests start at 1:00 pm. Mandarin & Cantonese 1:00 pm check in, tests start at 1:30 pm BCS will open 3 new cultural courses to enhance our students Mandarin in multiple different aspects. The courses are:                 Morrill: Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW25 04/06/2019”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW24 03/30/2019

Dear Parents, BCS will open 3 new cultural courses to enhance our students Mandarin in multiple different aspects. The courses are:                 Morrill:            說學逗唱 I    Say It in Chinese ( L14 )                 Sieramont:     國語會話班   Mandarin Conversation ( MC )                 Piedmont:      說學逗唱 II    The Art of Chinese Speech ( P14 )Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW24 03/30/2019”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW23 03/23/2019

Dear Parents, Open enrollment will be on this Saturday 03/23 in Morrill Multi-Purpose room between 9:30am to 11:00am. Registration is open for MP, MK, CP, CK and CFL0 classes. See below BCS news for details. Attached files are the flyers. Inform your relatives and friends if they are looking for a school to learn Chinese. BCSContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW23 03/23/2019”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW22 03/16/2019

Dear Parents, Open enrollment seminar will be on 03/16 in Morrill campus. Attached files are the flyers. Inform your relatives and friends if they are looking for a school to learn Chinese. BCS will open 3 new cultural courses to enhance our students Mandarin in multiple different aspects. The courses are:                 Morrill:            說學逗唱Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW22 03/16/2019”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW21 03/09/2019

Dear Parents, BCS 2019-2020 returning package is due this Saturday ( 03/09 ). Please collect all the forms for your class and return them to the registration department in the campus office. In Morrill, return your forms in Morrill MPR. Priority sibling registration also begin this Saturday. You may register your children before open enrollment (Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW21 03/09/2019”

在美華裔鐵路工人歷史展 The Backbone of the Railroad Art Exhibition

請幫助宣傳這展覽以紀念150年前我們未被承認及認可和被遺忘的先輩。 我們需要了解中國鐵路工人對美國經濟增長和發展的貢獻! Please help spreading the word about this event to honor our unrecognized, dismissed and forgotten forefathers of 150 years ago. The contributions of the Chinese Railroad Workers to America’s growth and development needs to be known! 日期 Dates : March 10 – 31, 2019 地點 Location: 米爾皮塔斯市圖書館禮堂 Milpitas Library Auditorium 160 N MainContinue reading “在美華裔鐵路工人歷史展 The Backbone of the Railroad Art Exhibition”

註冊座談會 Open Enrollment Seminar (3/16/19)

日期 Date: 3/16/2019 時間 Time: 9:30 to 10:30 AM 地點 Location: Morrill Middle School 本次研討會將介紹博愛中文學校提供的語言課程,包括普通話、廣東話和CFL(中文外語班)部門的教學方法。 研討會參加者請停車在博愛中文學校辦公室街對面的教堂停車場 (3110 Cropley Ave)。 This seminar will introduce you to the language programs offered by Berryessa Chinese School including information about the teaching method from the Mandarin, Cantonese, and CFL (Chinese Language as Foreign Language) Departments. Attendee please park inContinue reading “註冊座談會 Open Enrollment Seminar (3/16/19)”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW20 03/02/2019

Dear Parents, BCS 2019-2020 sibling registration ( 03/09 ) and open enrollment ( 03/23 ) begin this month. There will be an open enrollment seminar on 03/16 in Morrill campus. Attached files are the flyers. Inform your relatives and friends if they are looking for a school to learn Chinese. **Campus Patrol**                                                   Week 20     Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW20 03/02/2019”