First Day of School: Saturday, September 10, 2022
新學期開學日: 2022年9月10日星期六
BCS returns to in-person learning in 2022-23 school year
博愛將在 2022-23 學年回到實體學習。
BCS is still accepting new students for Fall registration.
BCS 仍持續受理秋季新生報名中.
博愛中文學校 Berryessa Chinese School
Celebrating 45 years of Chinese language education in the Bay Area. Berryessa Chinese School is dedicated to providing Chinese language and culture learning opportunities to enhance multicultural understanding and diversity in our communities. We offer Cantonese, Mandarin, and high school language classes.
First Day of School: Saturday, September 10, 2022
新學期開學日: 2022年9月10日星期六
BCS returns to in-person learning in 2022-23 school year
博愛將在 2022-23 學年回到實體學習。
BCS is still accepting new students for Fall registration.
BCS 仍持續受理秋季新生報名中.
2022-23 學年語言和文化課程 (實體) 註冊已經開始。 欲了解更多信息,請點擊以下鏈接:
2022-23 school year Language and Culture classes (in-person learning) registration has begun. For more information, please visit the link below
北加州中文學校聯合會學術比賽完滿結束. 很高興博愛再次獲得佳績, 本校一共有37位同學獲獎。恭喜每一位得獎的同學。
ANCCS 2022 Academic Contest BCS Winner
國語班課後輔導計劃 Mandarin online tutoring program
Here is the last newsletter for the 2021 year.
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2022 !
Will see you back on January 8.