Author: BCS IT
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW22 03/20/2021
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW21 03/13/2021
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW20 03/06/2021
BCS Enrollment Seminar for 2021-2022
博愛中文學校誠徵老師 BCS is Recruiting Teachers
博愛中文學校現在誠徵普通話及廣東話老師, 諳正體字. 此外,我們也在誠徵文化班的國畫和圍棋老師。
BCS is looking for Cantonese and Mandarin teachers of all grades level.
In addition, we are also looking for Chinese Brush painting and Go Chess teacher for our cultural classes.
If you are interested, please download out an application form below and send the application form together with your resume to
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW19 02/27/2021
學術比賽優勝者獎盃及獎狀將於2/27(星期六)下午於 Morrill校區辦公室外發放.請家長務必按照項目領取時間,
Winners of the BCS academic competition, trophies, and certificates will be picked up outside the Morrill office in the afternoon on 2/27 (Saturday). Parents must follow the pick-up time and come to collect them on time.
To encourage students who represent BCS to participate in the ANCCS academy competition, BCS fully covers the $30 fee for each student.
*The award pick-up procedure has been emailed to notify the winners.
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW18 02/06/2021
BCS E-Newsletter 01/30/2021
博愛學術比賽小組非常感謝上週參賽學生及家長對學術比賽的支持. 本週六還有比賽要繼續進行. 請各位參賽學生務必準時在指定時間報到.
比賽ZOOM ID 以及上傳作品的Google Form 將於 01/27/2021 (星期三) ~ 01/28/2021 (星期四) 發出。如果沒有收到通知的參賽者,
如果您對學術比賽有疑問,請 email 至
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW17 01/23/2021
博愛學術比賽小組即將在本週六(01/23/2021)下午 4:00 PM 舉辦「學術比賽參賽者說明會」,
Topic: 2021年 博愛中文學校 學術比賽 賽前說明會 BCS Academic Contest Student Seminar
Time: Jan 23, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)