博愛中文學校成立於一九八零年,坐落於San Jose Berryessa 校區,為孩子們提供一個 學習中文和中國文化的優良環境,我們的國語班和粤語班分別由入門班、一年級至八年 級、國語/粵語進階班,我們還設有Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL)班,入門班、 一年級到八年班、高中綜合班。我們設有三十多個語文班和十五多個文化班。博愛設有以 下的文化班:珠心算、西畫、漫畫、國畫、國樂、現代功夫、太極拳、舞蹈和羽毛球等等。 Berryessa Chinese School (BCS), is located in the Berryessa district of San Jose, California, established in 1980. We have provided the youth of the Bay Area with an environment to learn the Chinese language and its culture. BCS offers both Mandarin andContinue reading “關於博愛中文學校 About Berryessa Chinese School”
Author Archives: BCS IT
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW24 04/17/2021
BCS recently created a new student referral program to promote more students in learning Mandarin and/or Cantonese language. The information about this referral program can be found on the BCS Website main page right side tab or link below. Should you have any further questions about the program, please contact BCS Registration <registration@bcs-usa.org>. Here the linkContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW24 04/17/2021”
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW23 03/27/2021
Dear Parent Reps, Please forward the email to your class parents. Next two weeks 4/03 and 4/10 are BUSD spring break. Please be informed that there will be NO SCHOOL on those two weeks. Please pay attention to the dates below from BCS registration. If you or persons you know have child(ren) who are interestedContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW23 03/27/2021”
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW22 03/20/2021
REGISTRATION INFORMATION 日期 Date 事 項 Event 3/20/2021 新學年註冊網上座談會 Online Open Enrollment Seminar, 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 地點Location: Zoom online, 網上座談會 3/27/2021 網上新生註冊 Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW22 03/20/2021”
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW21 03/13/2021
Please pay attention to the dates below from BCS registration. If you or persons you know have child(ren) who are interested to learn Mandarin or Cantonese, please plan the time for the online open enrollment seminar to learn more about the classes offered by BCS. If you received email from your department associate dean aboutContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW21 03/13/2021”
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW20 03/06/2021
Dear Parent Reps, Please forward the email to your class parents. Please pay attention to the dates below from BCS registration. If you or persons you know have child(ren) who are interested to learn Mandarin, please plan the time for the online open enrollment seminar to learn more about the classes offered by BCS. IfContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW20 03/06/2021”
BCS Enrollment Seminar for 2021-2022
博愛中文學校誠徵老師 BCS is Recruiting Teachers
博愛中文學校誠徵老師 博愛中文學校現在誠徵普通話及廣東話老師, 諳正體字. 此外,我們也在誠徵文化班的國畫和圍棋老師。 有興趣者請在以下的連接下載申請表格,請填妥後跟履歷表寄到 vp-curriculum@bcs-usa.org. https://www.bcs-usa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Teacher_s_Application_Form.doc BCS is looking for Cantonese and Mandarin teachers of all grades level. In addition, we are also looking for Chinese Brush painting and Go Chess teacher for our cultural classes. If you are interested, please download out an application form below and send the application form together withContinue reading “博愛中文學校誠徵老師 BCS is Recruiting Teachers”
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW19 02/27/2021
Dear Parent Reps, Please forward the email to your class parents. 1. BCS Academic Award Ceremony – 02/27/2021 Morrill Office 1:30pm – 3:50pm 2. BCS HSIC Seminar – 02/28/2021 Zoom Meeting 9:30am – 11:00am 3. BCS Registration BCS Academic Award Ceremony 2021博愛學術比賽訊息: 學術比賽優勝者獎盃及獎狀將於2/27(星期六)下午於 Morrill校區辦公室外發放.請家長務必按照項目領取時間,準時前來領取. 北加州中文學校聯合會學術比賽報名費$30,為鼓勵參加同學,博愛已全數支付. *領獎程序已發電郵通知獲獎學生. Winners of the BCS academic competition, trophies, and certificatesContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW19 02/27/2021”
BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW18 02/06/2021
BCS will resume online session this Saturday 02/06/2021. There will be NO SCHOOL on 02/13/2021 (Chinese New Year) and 02/20/2021 (President’s Day). Please pay attention to the dates below from BCS registration. If you or your friends have child(ren) who are interested to learn Mandarin, please plan the time for the online open enrollment seminarContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW18 02/06/2021”