今年語文班和文化班的退學及轉班手續,將在開學後兩週內 (9/12/15 & 9/19/15) 集中於Morrill校區的MPR舉行,時間是從上午9時30分至11時止,(Sierramont 及Piedmont校區不接受申請),請各家長按時前往Morrill MPR辨理各項手續,多謝合作!
The Registration Department will process language and cultural class refund and transfer requests during the first 2 weeks of school (9/12/15 & 9/19/15) at the Morrill MPR (Multi-Purpose Room). No registration counter will be set up at the Sierramont and Piedmount Campus. Please proceed to the Morill MPR between 9:30am and 11:00am if you plan to drop, transfer or add a class.
Author: Brian Lee
校長的話 9-12-2015 李利中
各位老師 、家長 和同學們 ,你們好! 轉眼間,暑假已經完結了, 今天是我們博愛中文學校開學的第一天,首先歡迎新來博愛的家長和同學,希望同學們能夠在未來的一年內, 學懂更多的中文和認識更多中國的傳統文化。
新的一年 ,我們的租金也上漲很多, 所以我們要盡量開源節流。 今年的春季文藝公演我們決定取消了, 只剩下秋季園遊會 、農曆新年慶祝和學術常識問答比賽。
想測試一下自己孩子的華語文能力嗎? 請留意今期的博愛通訊。
最後本人謹代表校董會祝各位家長生活愉快! 祝各位同學們學業進步和更上一層樓!
如有任何問題/意見,請電郵至 bcs_board@yahoo.com.
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Credit recognition seminar 學分轉換說明會
Date: 9-12-15 and 9-19-15
Place: Piedmont library
Time: 10 am – 11 am
Note: For FUSD (Fremont Unified School District) applicant, please fill out the form above and attach a $15 check and submit the form on 9/12 credit recognition seminar because the deadline is 9/18.
文化班 Piedmont Adult Cultural Classes PA9 & PA1 demo (first two weeks free)
Please come to Piedmont to try out the following two adult culture classes for the first two weeks (9/12 & 9/19)
請你到Piedmont 嘗試以下兩個成人文化課(前兩週免費) 9/12 & 9/19
PA9 – Health Qigong (養生氣功) 9:10 a.m. – 10:10 a.m.
八段錦健身氣功, 原是一個獨特的中國傳統養生健身體育, 著重心靈, 益氣, 和形式的混合, 採用軟, 慢, 靜態和動態, 整合為一個綜合性的運動。
楊式太極拳: 主要以內功心法為依托,內外兼修,拳理合一;整套演練柔和連貫、完整一氣。通過太極拳的練習,可以提高人體的協調性、平衡力、強健臟腑器官機能,長期堅持可起到養生益智,益壽延年的效果。
PA1 – Yoga, Tai-Chi & Dance (舞、動、 禪) 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
School starts on September 12, 2015.
Dear Parents of BCS,
Our school will not be sending out School Starting Letters to returning students. We thank you in supporting our effort to reduce costs in printing and postage.
For all first day of school information and your child’s class assignment, please visit our website at First Day of School Information : 博愛中文學校 Berryessa Chinese School
First Day of School Information
First Day of School Information Fall schedule, student list and classroom information are being updated every week.
For newly registered students, he or she will receive the School Starting Letter in the mail by early September.
We wish you and your child all the best in the new school year!
With Kind Regards,
Berryessa Chinese School
voice mail: (408)5200-BCS(408-520-0227)
以下文化班(2015-2016)尚有名額, 歡迎學生和家長報名參加.
The following cultural classes are still open.
Morrill 校區
• L1 珠心算 Mental Arithmetic 11:40 –12:30 (kids only)
• L2 珠心算 Mental Arithmetic 11:40 –12:30 (kids only)
• L4 西畫 Western Drawing 11:40 –12:30 (kids only)
• L8 手工藝 Handcraft 11:40 –12:30 (kids only)
• L13 功夫 Kung Fu 11:40 –12:30 (kids only)
• S9 圍棋 Chinese Go 11:40 –12:30 (kids only)
• SA2 成人羽毛球 I (Adult Badminton – Session I) 9:15 –10:15 (adults only)
• SA6 成人羽毛球 II (Adult Badminton – Session II) 10:30 –11:30 (adults only)
• PX5 中國樂器演奏 Chinese Instruments 11:40 –12:30 (kids & adults)
• PX6 中國毛筆書法 Chinese Calligraphy 11:40 –12:30 (kids & adults)
• PX7 針黹和針織 Basic Needlework & Knitting 11:40 –12:30 (kids & adults)
• PX13 吉他 Guitar 11:40 –12:30 (kids & adults)
• PA1 舞、動、 禪 Yoga, Tai-Chi & Dance 10:15 –11:15 (adults only)
• PA9 養生氣功 Health Qigong 9:10 –10:10 (adults only)
First Day of School
9-12-2015 (Saturday)
First day of school information
Placement Test Date : 8/22/15, Saturday (for non-BCS students)
Check-in time : 9:45 am
Test start time : 10:00 am
Location : Morrill Middle School, BYC (BCS office)
Things to bring : pencils, erasers
Email us bcs_board@yahoo.com if you want to sign up your kid at BCS for 2015-2016.
以下 2015-2016 語文班尚有名額給非博愛學生報讀(必須考試)
The following 2015-2016 classes are still open for non-BCS student (placement test is required)
粵語班 Cantonese – C1, C3 to C12
國語班 Mandarin – M1 to M12
Chinese as a Foreign Language – CFL2, CFL6 & CFL8
考試日期和時間 Placement test date & time: 8-22-15 10:00am
報名時間 Registration time: 9:30am
地點 Place: 博愛辦公室 BCS office (Morrill BYC)
Questions: please email bcs_board@yahoo.com.
校長的話 6/6/2015 ~ 方兆鴻