校長的話 Principal Message 3/3/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

嶄新的春季文藝公演即將在3月17日(星期六)下午一時在Sierramont舉行,請和家人一同參與這個盛會。最先進塲的家長和學生都會獲贈減壓小禮品,數量有限,送完即止。我們還有抽獎活動,禮品有自拍杆、藍牙喇叭、USB Flex燈、汽車電話座等等。
A brand new Spring Performance will take place at Sierramont MPR on March 17 (beginning at 1pm). Please come with your family. Guests who attend the event will receive a stress relieve toy while supplies last. We also have raffle activity. We have prizes such as Selfie sticks, Bluetooth speakers, USB Flex lights, car phone holders etc.
Currently BCS cultural class session is from 11:40am to 12:30pm. Beginning in 2018-2019 school year, BCS cultural class session will be changed from 11:45am to 12:45pm.
如果您可以和我們分享在Piedmont所拍攝的學術比賽頒獎的照片, 請把照片或網址電郵至bcs_board@yahoo.com給我們,謝謝!
If you can share the Piedmont academic competition award ceremony pictures, please send pictures or web link to bcs_board@yahoo.com. Thanks!
如果您想觀看學術比賽頒獎典禮的照片,請瀏覽 http://www.bcsusa.org/album.
If you would like to see the academic competition award ceremony pictures,
check out https://bcs-usa.org/album.
文化班公告 – Update from Cultural: **NEW** Children cultural class in Morrill Campus (MPR)
【新】少林武術班,五歲至八歲學童(名額限於15名),學年度2018-2019 九月在 Morrill MPR開班 。
** NEW ** Kung-Fu (Shaolin Wu-Shu) class in the School year 2018-2019, accepting the children in age group between 5 and 8 years old, up to (15) children in class.
使用語言:國語和英文 Languages: Mandarin and English,代號 Class Code:L13
【師資介紹】劉韻音師父 Master Yunyin Liu
劉韻音師父習武三十多年,年少即入選加入《上海市體育運動技術學 院武術隊》,曾代表武術隊參與武術和拳術大賽,並在全國成人比賽 獲得《武英级運動員》的稱號及徽章。她的武術教學內容是教授學童 基本手形,腳形,身形,來保護自己不易受傷,了解武術的內涵,培 養運動力,和加強自信心。依學童的體型和能力,此課程包括六級階 段,啟蒙級,基本拳,五步拳,少林連環拳,少林小洪拳武術技巧, 以及五種跳躍及現代規定拳。
Master Yunyin Liu has 30+ years in the practice of Shaolin Martial Arts. When she was young, she was selected to join Shanghai Institute of Physical Education and Sports Wushu team and represented the team to attend several tournaments. Through the participation in the adults’ national tournaments, she earned the title as Wu-Ying level athlete as well as badge. This class will include 6 levels of martial arts coaching, from basic moves, boxing, and jumping. Dress code as loose clothing, shorts, and sneakers, is recommended.
2018多媒體簡報比賽: 比賽規則已公布於北加州中文學校聯合會網站。 
比賽簡報主題:名勝古蹟導覽 (名勝古蹟必須是在台灣、中國、香港、澳門)
比賽日期:2018/4/15 (日) 1:00pm~4:30pm
比賽地點:金山灣區華僑文教服務中心(100 S. Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035)
高年級組: 18歲以下(2000/09/01或以後出生)

校長的話 Principal Message 2/17/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

恭喜發財! 昨天(二月十六日)是農曆的大年初一,也是年的開始,我謹代表博愛中文學校祝大家萬事如意!身體健康!學業進步!
上星期六是博愛的學術比賽頒獎典禮,我們分別在三個校區舉行,在Morrill校區,我們有農曆新年慶祝活動,蒞臨的貴賓有District 25th Assemblymember Kanseng Chu朱感生伉儷、Fremont市長Lily Mei (高敘加)、博愛前校長Tony Chen、Oliver Wan和Robin Wang、Berryessa Superintendent Dr. Roxane Fuentes、BUSD board members Thelma Boac、David Cohen & Richard Claspill、金山灣區華僑文教服務中心 (Milpitas)主任閻樹榮、北加州中文學校聯合會會長施光庭和副會長奚藻勳前來和我們共慶歡樂,如果想觀看活動照片,
請瀏覽 https://www.bcs-usa.org/album/
Kung Hei Fat Choi! Yesterday (February 16) was the first day of the Lunar Chinese New Year and the beginning of the Year of the Dog. BCS wish you all the best! Healthy body! Academic progress!
Last Saturday BCS had an academic competition award ceremony & Lunar Chinese New Year celebration at Morrill. Thanks VIPs (District 25th Assemblymember Kanseng Chu and his wife, Fremont mayor Lily Mei, BCS past principals Tony Chen, Oliver Wan & Robin Wang, Berryessa Superintendent Dr. Roxane Fuentes, BUSD board members Thelma Boac, David Cohen & Richard Claspill, Culture Center of T.E.C.O (Milpitas) Director Roy Yen, ANCCS president Guang Ting Shih and vice-president James Hsi). Check out our web site https://bcs-usa.org/album for more pictures.
BCS is having a booth at Children’s Discovery Museum (admission fee is $15) next Sunday (2/18) from noon to 4pm.  The Museum is located at 180 Woz Way, San Jose CA 95110. Direction can be found on our website:www.cdm.org
我們明天(星期日二月十八日中午十二時至下午四時)會在Children’s Discovery Museum有一個校外活動,有時間請前來參觀,入塲費每位十五元, 網站www.cdm.org

校長的話 Principal Message 2/10/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

今天我們設有兩個有關我們的中國文化特別班和A P中文實驗班的研討會,是由國語班的副主任楊馥愷主持,請前來參與和查詢,時間是由九時十五分至九時四十五分,地點是Sierramont的圖書館。另一個硏討會是由十時四十五分至十一時十五分,在Piedmont的圖書館舉行。如果您的子女現在就讀高中或即將進入高中的話,我建議您前來參加這個硏討會。
博愛在下星期日二月十八日(中午十二時至下午四時)在Children’s Discovery Museum有一個校外活動,請前來參觀,入塲費每位十五元, 網站www.cdm.org
BCS has academic competition award ceremony (9:15-11am at Morrill, ~10am at Sierramont & Piedmont) at three campuses today. We also have Lunar Chinese New Year celebration at Morrill campus and VIPs are attending the event. Please join us for the event.
BCS mandarin department associate dean Fu-Kai Yang has setup two seminars (9:15-9:45am at Sierramont library, 10:45-11:15am at Piedmont library) to talk about Chinese culture classes MS1/MS2/AP prep. If your kid is at high school or going to a high school soon, I urged you to attend this seminar.
Next Friday (February 16) is the first day of the Lunar Chinese New Year and the beginning of the Year of the Dog. On behalf of teachers and volunteer teams of BCS, I wish you all the best! Healthy body! Academic progress!
BCS is having a booth at Children’s Discovery Museum next Sunday (2/18) from noon to 4pm.  The Museum is located at 180 Woz Way, San Jose CA 95110. Direction can be found on our website:www.cdm.org

校長的話 Principal Message 2-3-2018 李利中 Brian Lee

如果今年九月您們有孩子進入高中就讀的話,請留意以下的事項,我們博愛設有四年的中國文化特別班(兩年MS1和兩年MS2), 這是給我們孩子認識中華文化的最好機會,還可以參加學分轉換課程,這個課程是獲得Fremont校區確認能符合U C的A – G 的外語類別,但是您們的孩子一定要在Fremont高中就讀,在中華文化特別班,我們會教授中國的傳統文化包括 認識中國的節日、文字的演變、飲食和文化、中國的科學、地理常識、詩詞歌賦、偉大建築、歷代帝王、三國演義和孫子兵法等等。。我們還開設有A P中文實驗班(Introduction to A P Chinese),由經驗豐富的導師教授學生如何應付中文A P的考試,在A P中文實驗班,老師會教導學生如何用電腦輸入中文和模擬試題進行聽、説、讀、寫的練習。
2-10-18 MS1&2 & AP Workshop 9:15-9:45am Sierramont library, 10:45-11:15am Piedmont library
學術比賽頒獎儀式將於2018年2月10日在三個校區舉行, 請前來參觀。Academic Competition award ceremony will be held in three campuses (Morrill ~9:15am, Sierramont & Piedmont ~10am) on February 10th, 2018.  Please come to attend.

校長的話 Principal Message 1/27/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

在上星期六我們的學術比賽終於完滿結束, 謹此祝賀所有得獎的同學們,您們的努力己獲得認同,未能獲獎的同學也不要氣餒,明年繼續再來好好的比試,您們要知到「失敗乃成功之母」,終有一天是會成功的。 感謝博愛老師們都不遺餘力的支持學術比賽,有些老師還義務的和學生練習,真令人感動!今次的學術比賽特別要感謝M12的劉老師和Jessie的學術比賽小組,他們在個多月前己開始籌備這個學術比賽 , 最後我們才能順利的完成所有比賽。得獎的同學將會代表博愛出席3月25日北加州中文學校聯合會所舉辦的學術比賽,和其他中文學校的同學一較高低,我們一定要為博愛的同學們打氣喔!
We finally finished our Academic Competition last Saturday.  Congratulations to all winners.  Your hard work has been recognized.  For those students who didn’t win this year must participate next year. Failure is the mother of success.  One day you will win.  Thanks teachers for supporting this AC event.  Some teachers volunteered to train her/his students after class.  Specially thanks M12 teacher Liu and the AC team worked days & nights to prepare the AC event more than a month ago.  Winner will represent BCS to attend the ANCCS AC on 3/25. We sure will support our students!

校長的話 Principal Message 1/13/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

Due to the rent increase for the past three years, we have a deficit in our finances. In the last Saturday’s board meeting, we approved to increase the tuition fees for the next school year (2018-2019). Language class tuition increases $25 (new language class tuition is $400), student cultural class increases $10 (new student cultural class tuition is $185) and adult cultural class increases $10 (new adult cultural class tuition is $220).
今天下午是西畫和漫畫的學術比賽,已報名的同學請準時報到,下一個星期六(1月20日) 由於進行學術比賽的關係,只有報名參加了學術比賽的同學需要準時來到Sierramont學校參加比賽,其他同學側不需要上學。
BCS will host the Western Drawing & Cartoon Drawing Academic Competition today in the afternoon. Please report on time if you registered for the competition.  We will also host the Academic Competition on the following Saturday (1/20). Only registered students are required to attend the competition at the Sierramont campus; other students do not need to come to school next week.
Thanks ANCCS and McDonald for providing McDonald 2018 calendar to BCS! We are passing out the McDonald 2018 calendar to every student today.

校長的話 Principal Message 1/6/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

新年快樂!多謝各位熱心和慷慨的同學、家長和老師們!今年博愛聖誕食物捐贈活動,我們一共籌集214磅(比較去年的135磅多出79磅)的食物捐贈到食物銀行(San Jose Second Harvest Food Bank),謝謝大家的支持!
Happy New Year! Thanks for our generous students, parents & teachers for participating our food drive! We collected 214 pounds of food (79 pounds more compared to 135 pounds we collected last year) and donated to San Jose Second Harvest Food Bank.  Thanks for all your support!
美國加州1月1日起可以向成人合法銷售消遣用大麻, 我們要教導及保護孩子們不要接觸大麻曲奇餅、大麻糖果和其他用大麻製造的食品,以免危害他們的健康。
Beginning on January 1st, adults over 21 can buy marijuana for recreational use in California. We need to teach & protect our kids from contacting the marijuana cookie, marijuana candy and all other food that is made of marijuana.  Marijuana is harmful to our kids.


多謝各位熱心和慷慨的同學、家長和老師們!今年博愛聖誕食物捐贈活動,我們一共籌集214磅(比較去年的135磅多出79磅)的食物捐贈到食物銀行(San Jose Second Harvest Food Bank),謝謝大家的支持!
祝大家有一個愉快的聖誕假期! 新年快樂!
Thanks for our generous students, parents and teachers! We have collected 214 pounds food (79 pounds more compared to 135 pounds we collected last year) to donate to San Jose Second Harvest Food Bank.  Thanks for all your support!
We wish you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

校長的話 十二月九日 李利中

在十二月二日下午北加州中文學校聯合會的四十年歷史回顧展,我們展出的作品是由文化班主任范夢倫和國畫班老師王青雲共同製作的, 十分的感謝她們!請到博愛的網頁或臉書www.facebook.com/BerryessaChineseSchool查看。Thanks cultural department dean Helen Maddox and Chinese Painting teacher Ching-Yun Lin for creating the BCS poster board and decorating the exhibition table. Please check out our web site and facebook.
今天(12/9)是聖誕捐贈食物的最後一天,多謝大家的支持!Today (12/9) is the last day for the food drive, thank you for your support!
今天(12/9)是2017年的最後一天上課,接著就是三週的假期,我們到2018年一月六日再見! 祝大家聖誕及新年快樂!Today is the last day of school in 2017. Then we have three weeks off.  I will see you on January 6th in 2018. I wish you all have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!