Celebrating 45 years of Chinese language education in the Bay Area. Berryessa Chinese School is dedicated to providing Chinese language and culture learning opportunities to enhance multicultural understanding and diversity in our communities. We offer Cantonese, Mandarin, and high school language classes.
獎項與認可 Awards and Recognition
獎項 Awards
北加州中文學校聯合會優良教師獎 Association of Northern California Chinese Schools (ANCCS) Excellent Teacher Award
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Mei-Lan Chen 鄧梅蘭老師 (國語班 Mandarin)
Yuet Shan Chiu 趙悅姍老師 (粵語班 Cantonese)
Wendy Chin Wan Chau 周展雲老師 (粵語班 Cantonese)
Amanda Harrison 盧香月老師 (中文外語班 Chinese as a Foreign Language)