BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW19 02/27/2021

Dear Parent Reps, Please forward the email to your class parents. 1. BCS Academic Award Ceremony – 02/27/2021 Morrill Office 1:30pm – 3:50pm 2. BCS HSIC Seminar – 02/28/2021 Zoom Meeting 9:30am – 11:00am 3. BCS Registration BCS Academic Award Ceremony 2021博愛學術比賽訊息: 學術比賽優勝者獎盃及獎狀將於2/27(星期六)下午於 Morrill校區辦公室外發放.請家長務必按照項目領取時間,準時前來領取. 北加州中文學校聯合會學術比賽報名費$30,為鼓勵參加同學,博愛已全數支付. *領獎程序已發電郵通知獲獎學生. Winners of the BCS academic competition, trophies, and certificatesContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW19 02/27/2021”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW18 02/06/2021

BCS will resume online session this Saturday 02/06/2021. There will be NO SCHOOL on 02/13/2021 (Chinese New Year) and 02/20/2021 (President’s Day). Please pay attention to the dates below from BCS registration. If you or your friends have child(ren) who are interested to learn Mandarin, please plan the time for the online open enrollment seminarContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW18 02/06/2021”

BCS E-Newsletter 01/30/2021

Dear Parent Reps, Please forward to your class parents. This Saturday 01/30/2021 is BCS Academic competition (AC) events. There will be NO SCHOOL. The class resume on 02/06/2021. Students who participate in AC this Saturday, please read the following information carefully. 2021博愛學術比賽訊息: 博愛學術比賽小組非常感謝上週參賽學生及家長對學術比賽的支持. 本週六還有比賽要繼續進行. 請各位參賽學生務必準時在指定時間報到. 比賽ZOOM ID 以及上傳作品的Google Form  將於 01/27/2021 (星期三) ~ 01/28/2021 (星期四)Continue reading “BCS E-Newsletter 01/30/2021”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW17 01/23/2021

Dear Parents, Please be aware that Jan-30-2021 is a full day BCS Academic Competition event. There will be NO SCHOOL on Jan-30-2021. Below is the information for the coming BCS AC events: 2021博愛學術比賽訊息: 博愛學術比賽小組即將在本週六(01/23/2021)下午 4:00 PM 舉辦「學術比賽參賽者說明會」,我們將為您詳細解說線上比賽流程,歡迎參賽學生及家長一同參加。 Topic: 2021年 博愛中文學校 學術比賽 賽前說明會 BCS Academic Contest Student Seminar Time: Jan 23, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific TimeContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW17 01/23/2021”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW15 01/09/2021

Dear Parents, Welcome back after winter break. BCS 2021 AC competition is around the corner. Please refer to the information below from BCS AC team: 2021博愛學術比賽訊息: 博愛中文學校學術比賽 報名確認通知信已發出.請參賽者檢查並確認參賽項目及組別, 若有錯誤請回復電郵告知正確資訊. 博愛學術比賽小組特別在博愛網站增設了 “2021博愛學術比賽問題Q&A“來統一回答比賽問題. 如果您對學術比賽規則有疑問, 請 email 至 ac@bcs-usa.org, 我們會統一回答您的問題. 比賽日期/ 時間: 01/24/2021 (星期日) 西畫  1:30-2:30 PM (1:00 PM 開始報到) 國畫  1:30-3:00 PM (1:00 PM 開始報到) 01/30/2021 (星期六)Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW15 01/09/2021”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW07 10/24/2020

Dear Parents, BUSD will continue distance learning until the end of December, 2020. Below are the details update from BUSD: The district is now moving into “Phase 2” where we will focus on providing targeted in-person support to our most vulnerable students, such as those in our moderate and severe special education programs.   “Phase 3”Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW07 10/24/2020”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW06 10/17/2020

Dear Parents, BCS currently is still waiting for the school reopening survey result that conducted by BUSD. Please refer to BUSD Frequently Asked Questions on BUSD Reopening Hub for the latest information. ANCCS Activity 北加州中文學校聯合會『成語故事大家說』學藝競賽 為提昇海外華裔學生學習華語文之興趣,北加州中文學校聯合會特舉辦漢字文化節系列活動『成語故事大家説』學藝競賽。希望通過講述成語故事,培養學生想像力、表達能力,促進中文學習,並透過創意說故事的形式,培養學生建立閱讀興趣及習慣,藉以豐富海外學子的成長經驗。 今年的比賽不但可以個人報名參賽,也可以兩人一組親子參賽。希望校長、理事鼓勵貴校學生參加這項有意義的學藝競賽,並儘早報名。謝謝!

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW05 10/10/2020

Dear Parents, Congratulations to all the newly elected or extended class representatives for 2020-21 school year. Your involvement in school communication is very crucial to instantly channel all messages from BCS to your class parents. Please refer to the attached file for the guideline of your roles and duties. Current COVID-19 pandemic situation remains severeContinue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW05 10/10/2020”