Category: Announcement
粵語會語班 Cantonese Conversation
課程名稱: 粵語會話
校長的話 Principal’s Message 8/26/2019 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung
大家好! 轉瞬間, 暑假又結束了,我相信大家都渡過了一個開心難忘的暑假。 今年是博愛中文學校成立的第40周年,博愛中文學校是一所非牟利的機構,我們十分感謝熱心的家長義工和教學不倦的老師們,沒有他們辛勤的努力,我們也沒有今天的成就,如今博愛已成為全美最大的中文學校之一。
我代表博愛歡迎所有的舊生和新加入的學生和家長們,十分感謝你們對博愛的信任和支持! 我們會竭盡所能,盡心丶盡意 和盡力的做到更好。
今年博愛中文學校的開課日期為九月七日星期六,希望大家都能夠收拾心情來迎接新一年的挑戰, 就讓我們一同努力吧!
在這個新的學年,博愛中文學校會有一些新的做法和改變,祈盼家長和學生們一如既往的全力支持。 以下附上新學年度開學須知及細節,其中包括教室分配圖、教務和註冊組通訊等,敬請各位新舊生及家長務必詳細閱讀。 此外,由於各校區學生班級分佈和教室有所調整,也煩請各位家長特別留意 貴子女所就讀之校區。 有關其他資訊,請大家瀏覽博愛網頁(。 如有疑問,請電郵至bcs_board@yahoo.com查詢。
Dear Berryessa Chinese School Families,
How are you? Time flies and summer vacation is coming to an end. I hope you all have had a wonderful summer vacation. This is Berryessa Chinese School’s (BCS) 40th year. BCS is a non-profit organization and we are thankful, especially for our enthusiastic parent volunteers and hardworking teachers. Without their contributions, BCS would not have had such esteemed reputation. Currently, BCS is one of the largest Chinese Schools in the United States.
Continue reading “校長的話 Principal’s Message 8/26/2019 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung”
開學了 First Day of School
2019 畢業典禮 Graduation Ceremony / 2019 謝師宴 Teacher Banquet
BCS 40th Anniversary Logo Winners
First Place: C8 何家欣
Second Place: C6 李惠珊
Third Place: M7 張韶恩
2019 May ANCCS Soccer Tournament
Please click the image to open the photo album
PA1 Yoga & Dance – Adult 舞動瑜伽 Open House
Location | Date | Time |
Piedmont Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) | 5/4/2019 | 9:30-10:30 |
Sierramont Stage | 5/11/2019 | 9:30-10:30 |
2019北加州學術比賽優勝名單 ANCCS Academic Competition Award List
2019北加州學術比賽已於3/31/2019在Mission San Jose High School順利舉行,博愛派出70位同學參加,表現出色,
2019 ANCCS Academic Contest was held in Mission San Jose High School on 3/31/2019. BCS students got a great score and congrats to all the winners. In the meantime, we want to praise those didn’t win but still show their best competition spirit. They all are the brilliant stars of BCS !