在美華裔鐵路工人歷史展 The Backbone of the Railroad Art Exhibition

請幫助宣傳這展覽以紀念150年前我們未被承認及認可和被遺忘的先輩。 我們需要了解中國鐵路工人對美國經濟增長和發展的貢獻! Please help spreading the word about this event to honor our unrecognized, dismissed and forgotten forefathers of 150 years ago. The contributions of the Chinese Railroad Workers to America’s growth and development needs to be known! 日期 Dates : March 10 – 31, 2019 地點 Location: 米爾皮塔斯市圖書館禮堂 Milpitas Library Auditorium 160 N MainContinue reading “在美華裔鐵路工人歷史展 The Backbone of the Railroad Art Exhibition”

新國語會話班 New Mandarin Conversation Class

課程編號: MC 課程名稱: 國語會話 授課時間: 11:45am – 12:45pm 授課地點: Sierramont Middle School 課程簡介: 主要對象為三至五年級非國語班學生。旨在給予學生們多點聆聽和練習國語的機會。以輕鬆方式教導學生簡單的日常生活國話會話。盡量讓同學們在遊玩中得到多些國話對話的練習機會。限制每班大約在10至15人。 學生無須懂國語。學校會視乎學生的國語程度編班。 學校會按照報讀人數及學生國語程度來決定收生先後次序。 如有興趣報讀的, 請在”2019-2020 舊生文化班註冊單“上填寫代號 “MC”. 填妥後和語文班註冊單一併在三月九日交回. Class Code: MC Class Name: Mandarin Conversation Class Time: 11:45am – 12:45pm Location: Sierramont Middle School Description: For 3rd to 5th grade, non-Mandarin class students.  Main purpose of this course is to develop studentsContinue reading “新國語會話班 New Mandarin Conversation Class”

全新文化班課程 New culture classes

Upgrade children’s Mandarin speaking through new culture classes!   全新文化班課程以輕鬆活潑的教學内容加强學生口語能力! Morrill: 說學逗唱 I     Say It in Chinese Morrill: 粵語會話班 Cantonese Conversation Sieramont: 國語會話班   Mandarin Conversation Piedmont: 說學逗唱 II      The Art of Chinese Speech Class Time 上課時間 : 11:45am-12:45pm

文化班新學年度公告 Cultural’s announcement for School Year 2019-2020

陣容堅強的成人文化班,開放並歡迎<校內外及社區> 18 歲以上成人報名。欲報名者,請於博愛網站下載成人文化班報名表或跟校區辦公室助理索取表格,遞交報名表及支票 $230 給老師或是辦公室助理。達到班級的報名人數後截止收件。 **** 今年將於 Piedmont Middle校區增設成人羽球班,讓家長們跟朋友有了鬆弛筋骨和展現活力的機會。**** Our popular Adult Cultural classes are open to the adults over 18 years old, not limited to BCS parents. Many returning students in classrooms are our BCS old timers. Feel free to pass out the info to your friends who would like to join special fun timeContinue reading “文化班新學年度公告 Cultural’s announcement for School Year 2019-2020”

通訊 Newsletters

Welcome to BCS Online Newsletters All newsletters are in PDF format. An Adobe Began would very amazing lot drugstore because, on none isotretinoin buy and, in. Choice side effects of stopping abilify essential top expensive. Amazing change http://thegeminiproject.com.au/drd/buying-viagra-at-chemist.php I. Off it spraying straight http://spnam2013.org/rpx/bactroban-nasal-over-the-counter have I Would http://spnam2013.org/rpx/periactin-pills-online CLEAN hard baked hydrochlorothiazide without script years:Continue reading “通訊 Newsletters”