Category: Announcement
博愛通訊 eNewsletter 3/18/2023
註冊的重要鏈接 Important Links for Registration
Open Enrollment Seminar
Open Enrollment Seminar is coming up in March 18, 2023!
2023 AP中文複習綫上考試 Preparation Test for AP Chinese Exam (online)
- 有興趣參加AP中文複習綫上考試同學,請點擊下列連結參看詳細資訊及報名
- To understand or have interest in the preparation test for AP Exam, Please click below link to get detail information and registration.
2023 Academic Contest 學術比賽開始報名
- 博愛中文學校2023學術比賽相關資料 2023 Academic Competition Information
- 2023 博愛中文學校學術比賽得獎名單 BCS Academic Competition Result
- 特別公告:
若學術比賽該項目組別只有一位參賽者,該項目組別將不會頒發獎盃,但仍會給予獎狀以茲鼓勵。參賽學生依評審老師鑑定核准,即可代表本校參加北加州中文學校學術比賽。 - Special announcement:
If there is only one contestant in a contest category, the contestant will be awarded a certificate for encouragement. That contestant will be eligible to participate and to represent BCS in the ANCCS Academic Contest.
- 特別公告:
2022 秋季園遊會 Fall Carnival
秋季園遊會吸引了大約400人參加。「博愛中文學校」特別感謝「金山灣區文教中心」莊雅淑主任、「北加州中文學校聯合會」會長王婉君、聖荷西市第四選區議員Dr. David Cohen、Berryessa 學區總監 Dr. Roxane Fuentes、學區委員朱感生伉儷、Hugo Jimenez、和Jai Srinivasan出席,並頒發資深教師奬,以表達對教師的謝意及表揚教師為教育事業作出的貢獻與努力。
Fall Carnival has always been an annual event of Berryessa Chinese School. It is a great opportunity for all teachers and students to get together in a fun event, share the joy of learning Chinese with the community, and raise funds for the class.
Unfortunately, the event has been canceled for the past two years due to the Covid pandemic. As the pandemic gradually subsided, schools resumed in person classes. Under the careful planning of all the teachers, students and volunteer parents, BCS resumed our Fall Carnival and Halloween costume contest at the Sierramont campus in San Jose on October 29. This is our first post-pandemic event.
The day of the event was beautiful and sunny, and the carnival attracted about 400 people. BCS would like to thank Taipei Economic and Culture Office Director Sophia Chuang, President of the Association of Northern California Chinese School, Lisa Wang, San Jose City Council Member, Dr. David Cohen, BUSD Superintendent Dr. Roxane Fuentes, BUSD Board of Trustees Kansen Chu and his wife, Hugo Jimenez, and Jai Srinivasan for attending our event. The school also presented teacher service awards to express our gratitude to our teachers.
The booths of this year’s carnivals were more diverse than in previous years. There were all kinds of hand-made delicious snacks, lunch boxes, fried rice noodles, braised pork rice, rice balls, Southeast Asian cuisine, cookies, Chinese pastries, beverages including bubble milk tea, milk tea, etc., which are popular among young people.
In addition to the food stalls, there are also game booths for the whole family to have fun, such as throwing hoops, tennis balls, sandbags, catching goldfish and other fun games, as well as flower arrangement stands carefully prepared by professional flower art teachers, and exquisite stationery and book booths .
Performances include kung fu, Chinese music performances, and the finale Halloween parade and contest. The participating students are all well-dressed and cute. Each participant receives a gift, and the winner receives a cash prize. Of course, there are many raffle drawings in carnival, and the winners receive exquisite gifts or gift certificates.
Thank you to all the board members, volunteers, teachers, parents, and classmates for their full planning and success in holding this Fall Carnival.
Photo album: 2022 秋季園遊會 Fall Carnival
Fall Carnival 秋季園遊會
Principal’s Message 8/22/2022 Leo Fu, 校長的話 – 傅其俊
暑假又差不多完結,很快中文學校又即將開學了。歡迎回到博愛 2022-2023 學年。
我代表博愛歡迎所有的舊生和新加入的學生和家長們,十分感謝你們對博愛的信任和支持! 我們會竭盡所能,盡心丶盡意 和盡力的做到更好。
今年博愛中文學校的開課日期為九月十日星期六,希望大家都能收拾心情來迎接新一年的挑戰, 就讓我們一同努力吧!
在這個新的學年,博愛中文學校會有一些新的做法和改變,祈盼家長和學生們一如既往的全力支持。 以下附上新學年度開學須知及細節,教務和註冊組通訊等,敬請各位新舊生及家長務必詳細閱讀。
有關其他資訊,請大家瀏覽博愛網頁(。 如有疑問,請電郵至bcs_board@yahoo.com查詢。
Dear Berryessa Chinese School Families,
Welcome back to BCS school year 2022-2023.
After more than two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, as life slowly returned to normal, and the day school has been open for more than a year, the board of directors has decided that BCS will resume in-person learning this school year. Safety of our students, parents, and teachers are our utmost priority. I would like to thank the school volunteers for their hard work through the summer in preparing for the return to school, formulating safety guidelines, preparing school cleaning supplies and purchasing personal protective equipment.
BCS is a non-profit organization and we are thankful, especially for our enthusiastic parent volunteers and hardworking teachers. Without their contributions, BCS would not have had such an esteemed reputation.
On behalf of BCS, I warmly welcome you all back and those who have just joined the BCS family this school year. Thanks for your trust and your support! We will continue to do our best and to be the best for you and your children.
For this school year (2022-2023), the first day of school is on September 10th (Saturday). I hope we are all ready to accept new challenges. We can do it together!
This school year, BCS has made some changes and hope to have your full support and cooperation. The enclosed package includes important information from registration and curriculum departments. Please read them carefully before school starts.
You can visit our website at for more information. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
I wish you all a successful and wonderful school year!
Yours sincerely,
Leo Fu
Principal, Berryessa Chinese School
August 22, 2022
Start of school information 開學資訊
First Day of School: Saturday, September 10, 2022
新學期開學日: 2022年9月10日星期六
BCS returns to in-person learning in 2022-23 school year
博愛將在 2022-23 學年回到實體學習。
BCS is still accepting new students for Fall registration.
BCS 仍持續受理秋季新生報名中.