BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW25 04/24/2021

Dear Parent Reps,
Please forward the email to your class parents.
BCS recently created a new student referral program to promote more students in learning Mandarin and/or Cantonese language. The information about this referral program can be found on the BCS Website main page right side tab or link below. Should you have any further questions about the program, please contact BCS Registration <registration@bcs-usa.org>.
Here the link for the New Student Referral Program
Ahead of us >>
1. 05/01 – Election
2. 05/08 – new parent orientation
3. 05/15 – graduation
4. 05/22 – SCHOOL
5. 05/29 – last day of school

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW23 03/27/2021

Dear Parent Reps,
Please forward the email to your class parents.
Next two weeks 4/03 and 4/10 are BUSD spring break. Please be informed that there will be NO SCHOOL on those two weeks.
Please pay attention to the dates below from BCS registration. If you or persons you know have child(ren) who are interested to learn Mandarin or Cantonese, please refer them to this link for the online registration tomorrow.

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW22 03/20/2021

日期 Date           事 項 Event
3/20/2021           新學年註冊網上座談會
                           Online Open Enrollment Seminar,  09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
                           地點Location: Zoom online, 網上座談會
3/27/2021           網上新生註冊
                           Online Open Enrollment
4/17/2021           博愛校內學生網上跳級考試
                           Online Internal Student Placement Test

博愛中文學校誠徵老師 BCS is Recruiting Teachers


博愛中文學校現在誠徵普通話及廣東話老師, 諳正體字. 此外,我們也在誠徵文化班的國畫和圍棋老師。

有興趣者請在以下的連接下載申請表格,請填妥後跟履歷表寄到 vp-curriculum@bcs-usa.org.


BCS is looking for Cantonese and Mandarin teachers of all grades level.

In addition, we are also looking for Chinese Brush painting and Go Chess teacher for our cultural classes.

If you are interested, please download out an application form below and send the application form together with your resume to vp-curriculum@bcs-usa.org.


2021博愛學術比賽訊息 Academic Competition Registration Reminder

博愛中文學校學術比賽 報名截止將延期至12/19/2020(星期六)截止。報名表(Google Form)的連結已公布於博愛官網,想要參賽的學生,請盡快上網報名。

2021 BCS學術比賽須知

2021 BCS學術比賽報名表  

The registration deadline for the BCS Academic Competition will be postponed to 12/19/2020 (Saturday). The link to the registration form (Google Form) has been posted on the BCS website. Students who want to participate, please register online as soon as possible.

2021 BCS Academic Contest Terms & Rules

2021 BCS Academic Competition Registration form

BCS 2021 學術比賽訊息 Academic Competition




西畫 / 國畫


毛筆書法 / 鉛筆書法



各項目比賽時間請參考11/21/2020 (星期六) 公布的學術比賽報名表,報名日期自11/21/2020開始,至12/05/2020截止。報名表(Google Form)的連結將公布於博愛官網和BCS e-Newsletter。

Due to the difficult epidemic situation, the 2021 academic competition of Berryessa Chinese School has been decided to hold the annual academic competition online with ZOOM. The determined competition categories and dates are listed below:

01/24/2021 (Sunday)

Western drawing / Chinese painting

01/30/2021 (Saturday)

Chinese Brush Calligraphy / Pencil calligraphy

Mandarin/Cantonese speech

Mandarin/Cantonese/CFL Read-Aloud

11/21/2020 (Saturday) Registration for the academic competition begins.

BCS will post the 2021 academic competition registration form link (Google Form) on the BCS website and BCS e-Newsletter.

12/05/2020 is the registration deadline for academic competitions



公投議案的贊成/反對中文版出爐了 ( https://lwv-swscv.org/chineseprosandconswebinars )。中文翻譯義工團隊,將婦女選民聯盟對每一個議案的分析報告,忠實公正的以中文表達出來,做您投票的參考。選賢與能是每個選民的權利和義務。人人一票累積下來,就能決定影響我們生活的民選官員及法案,因此您的一票正是最關鍵的那票。請記得行使您寶貴的投票權,參與11月3日的大選。
Chinese edition of the Pros & Cons is now available at https://lwv-swscv.org/chineseprosandconswebinars . This is a tremendous undertaking by a group of dedicated volunteers who translated the entire Pros &Cons made by LWV-SWSCV into Chinese. Voting is a privilege and responsibility of every citizen. A well prepared and informed voter is the best voter. Every vote counts and every vote is critical to our future. Please remember to vote on 11/03/2020.

BCS 40th Anniversary Poster Contest

Dear Parents,
Congratulation to the winners of the BCS 40th Anniversary Poster Contest.



冠軍 1st place winner – M7 鄺恩華 Ignatius Khong

亞軍 2nd place winner – C8 李惠珊 Kasey Walker

季軍 3rd place winner –  M2 莊子鋆 Zi-Yun Chuang

With Kind Regards,

Berryessa Chinese School
voice mail: (408)5200-BCS(408-520-0227)