校長的話 Principal’s Message 8/22/2020 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung

校長的話 Principal’s Message 8/22/2020 洪篤 Andrew Hung


大家好! 歡迎大家回到2020-2021學年,成立第41周年的博愛中文學校.整個暑假,我們的家長義工和老師們,一直在努力籌備新學期的線上授學。


我代表博愛歡迎所有的舊生,新加入的學生和家長們,十分感謝你們對博愛的信任和支持! 我們會竭盡所能,盡心,盡意和盡力的做到更好。


在這個新的學年,博愛中文學校會有一些新的做法和改變,祈盼家長和學生們一如既往的全力支持。 以下附上新學年度開學須知及細節,教務和註冊組通訊等,敬請各位新舊生及家長務必詳細閱讀。有關其他資訊,請大家瀏覽博愛網頁(www.bcs-usa.org)。 如有疑問,請電郵至bcs_board@yahoo.com查詢。



Dear Berryessa Chinese School Families,

Welcome back to BCS school year 2020-2021.  Our staff and teachers are ready to welcome you back to our 41st year.  We had been working very hard over the summer to prepare to provide distance learning.

BCS is a non-profit organization and we are thankful, especially for our enthusiastic parent volunteers and hardworking teachers. Without their contributions, BCS would not have had such esteemed reputation. Currently, BCS is one of the largest Chinese Schools in the United States.

On behalf of BCS, I warmly welcome you all back and those who have just joined the BCS family this school year. Thanks for your trust and your support! We will continue to do our best and to be the best for you and your children.

For this school year (2020-2021), the first day of school is on September 12th (Saturday). I hope we are all ready to accept new challenges. We can do it together!

This school year, BCS has made some changes and hope to have your full support and cooperation. The enclosed package includes important information from registration and curriculum departments. Please read them carefully before school starts. You can visit our web site at www.bcs-usa.org for more information. If you have any question, feel free to email us at bcs_board@yahoo.com.

Wishing all of you a pleasant and successful school year!

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Hung
Principal, Berryessa Chinese School
August 22, 2020


WWII Chinese American G.I. Webinar -8/29

Our friends at the Bay Area Chinese Genealogy Group (BACGG), the Chinese Historical and Cultural Project (CHCP), and the Chinese Historical Society of America (CHSA) are hosting an exciting webinar on August 29th, Operation: WWII Chinese American G.I.. This is a unique discussion illustrated by demonstrations from the largest collection of Chinese American military memorabilia. Please register below

More than 20,000 Chinese Americans served this country in World War II. This is an important part of American history!

Best wishes,
Chinese American Museum DC

This webinar is recognized by the Department of Defense, as a Commemorative Partner, as it celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII. The webinar precedes a September ceremony that will honor Chinese American WWII Veterans. Further information on the September ceremony is forthcoming.

Operation: WWII Chinese American G.I. will not just explore dates and places significant to Chinese American World War II history, but also but explore the war through the lens of the world’s largest private collection of Chinese American, and military memorabilia. Additionally,  a clip from the film We Served with Pride, will be shown. This film features 15 Chinese American WWII Veterans who served with uncommon valor, as a common virtue.

The keynote speaker is Montgomery Hom, the Executive Producer for the California Ceremony, an Emmy-nominated filmmaker, author, and military historian. He will be joined by Major General William S. Chen, the first Chinese-American to wear a 2-star rank in the U.S. Army, and Connie Young Yu, Trustee Emeritus Board Member of the Chinese Historical Society of America.

Click here to register today! Please note: space is limited, so early registration is the best way to gain a Zoom spot.

Questions about the event can be directed to Gail Chong at gailchong1970@gmail.com.

Learn more about WWII Chinese American GI Project.

1218 16th Street NW
 Washington, DC 20036
 (202) 838-3180

校長的話 Principal’s Message 4/30/2020 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung

Dear BCS Parents, Teachers and Staff,
On April 27st, Santa Clara Health Department announced the extension of the stay home quarantine
until May 31st. BCS will continue to be closed and online classes will continue for the remainder of the
school year.
BCS Open Enrollment Seminar was very successful even with some technical hiccup, this was the first
time we had run this event entirely on Zoom. I like to thank all of our staff who attended and helped
with the presentation. I also want to thank those parents who had referred their friends and family to
attend this event. A recorded session of part of the presentation is available for viewing on our

Open Enrollment for school year 2020-21 (新生網上註冊) had started, BCS is
accepting applications for new students. Registration team had created an online
registration page. If you have friends or family who may be interested, please
sign up in the link below:
This week is also our General Election for the 2020-21 BCS board of directors.
Due to quarantine, this will now be done entire online. The election will run from
5/1/2020 to 5/8/2020, please vote for the next BCS board.

Please use link below:
BCS ballot

BCS schedule changes:
1. BCS 40th Anniversary Celebration – postponed until fall semester 2020.
2. Returning Student package – if you still had not send the return package to your parent rep,
please contact bcsreg@yahoo.com for the new procedure.
3. Sibling registration – you can now sign up using the online form or download the editable pdf
form from our registration page and send a copy of the registration form along with tuition
payment to BCS (PO Box 32988, San Jose, CA 95152-2988) Please check BCS registration page
for the instruction.

4. Placement Test for internal/external students – postponed until August 2020. Please sign up on
our registration form page via the online form.
5. Graduation – TBD. Until the quarantine is lifted, BCS will not be able to run this event.
6. Teacher banquet – also due to concerns about large group gathering, for this year only BCS will
cancel this event.
7. New Parent Orientation — TBD.
8. Year book – there may be delay in distribution, please stay tuned for updates. Please submit
any Ad if you like to advertise in our yearbook. Also submit any essay about “BCS and I” if you
are interested.

–Andrew (BCS Principal 2019-20)