校長的話 Principal’s Message 4/10/2020 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung

Dear BCS Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Happy Easter to all of you and please continue to stay home and practice social distancing.

On April 1st, due to COVID-19 BUSD announced the continual closure of school and extending online learning for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. BCS will continue to be close and transition to online classes for the remainder of the school year.

Due to the school closure and quarantine, BCS registration team had created new procedures to handle the returning student package. I want to thank the Registration team and our parent reps who had tirelessly worked to collect back all the registration packages. This is very important as BCS need the data to prepare for next school year. If any parent still have outstanding returning student pack, please contact your parent rep immediately.

The Open Enrollment Seminar (新學年網上註冊座談會) for new parents had
been moved back one week, this is now on Saturday 4/25 at 9:30 am. Open
enrollment for 2020-21 will begin after seminar.

If you have friends or family who may be interested, please sign up in the link below:


BCS schedule changes:

  1. BCS 40th Anniversary Celebration – postponed until fall semester 2020.
  2. Returning Student package – if you have not returned your registration package, please contact your class rep. Registration package must be send back to class rep by April 3rd 2020, please do not mail to school. Class rep, you will need to submit package info to registration team by April 11th 2020, you will be contacted by registration team on the new procedures.
  3. Sibling registration – please download the editable pdf form from our registration page and send a copy of the registration form along with tuition payment to BCS (PO Box 32988, San Jose, CA 95152-2988)
  4. Placement Test for internal/external students – postponed until August 2020. Please sign up on our registration form page via the online form.
  5. Open Enrollment Seminar – this will be an online seminar on April 25, 9:30am via Zoom meeting.  Please sign up on this link: 2020招生講座網上註冊. Open Enrollment will start at the end of seminar.
  6. Graduation – TBD. Until the quarantine is lifted, BCS will not be able to run this event.
  7. Teacher banquet – also due to concerns about large group gathering, for this year only BCS will cancel this event.
  8. New Parent Orientation — TBD.
  9. Year book – there may be delay in distribution, please stay tuned for updates. Please submit any Ad if you like to advertise in our yearbook. Also submit any essay about “BCS and I” if you are interested.

–Andrew (BCS Principal 2019-20)

校長的話 Principal’s Message 3/31/2020 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung

Dear BCS Parents, Teachers and Staff,

I hope you are all healthy and well at home practicing social distancing.

Due to the extension of BUSD schools closure until May 1, 2020, BCS will continue to be closed. Our tentative return date will be May 9th.

Meanwhile through the tireless effort of our teachers and staff, BCS has successfully transition of our language classes to online classes with over 80% attendance. I like to take this opportunity to thanks all of our teachers who had to adapt and innovate so quickly in order to meet this new challenge, they are dedicated to continue our student’s education even in this difficult time.

I am grateful to have so many talented staff members especially our Language Deans, Asst. Deans and parent helpers who worked together to get our students online so quickly. I especially want to thank BCS IT William Hui and ANCCS IT Adam Cho (former BCS parent) for using their expertise in getting ready our online tools and ANCCS President Sandra Su for her help in providing so many training classes for our teachers.

BCS schedule changes:

  1. BCS 40th Anniversary Celebration – postponed until fall semester 2020.
  2. Returning Student package – if you have not returned your registration package, please contact your class rep. Registration package must be send back to class rep by April 3rd 2020, please do not mail to school. Class rep, you will need to submit package info to registration team by April 11th 2020, you will be contacted by registration team on the new procedures.
  3. Sibling registration – please download the editable pdf form from our registration page and send a copy of the registration form along with tuition payment to your class rep.
  4. Placement Test for internal/external students – postponed until August 2020. Please sign up on our registration form page via the online form.
  5. Open Enrollment Seminar – this will be an online seminar on April 18, 9:30am via Zoom meeting. Please contact bcs_board@yahoo.com for further information. Link will provided on our web page. Open Enrollment will start at the end of seminar.
  6. Graduation – due to concerns about large group gathering, for this year only BCS will have graduation ceremony held in each graduating class.
  7. Teacher banquet – also due to concerns about large group gathering, for this year only BCS will cancel this event.
  8. New Parent Orientation — TBD.
  9. Year book – there may be delay in distribution, please stay tuned for updates. Please submit any Ad if you like to advertise in our yearbook. Also submit any essay about “BCS and I” if you are interested.

Thank you for your understanding and continuous support for BCS, stay healthy and we will see you back in class once school reopens.

–Andrew (BCS Principal 2019-20)

BCS closed for 3/14, 3/21, 3/28 due to Covid-19 outbreak

Attention all Parents, Teachers and Staff,
We have just been informed by BUSD that all schools in Santa Clara County will be closed for the next three weeks (3/16 to 4/3) on recommendation from Santa Clara County Public Health due to the COVID-19 outbreak
Berryessa Chinese School will also close our three campus until April 3rd effectively immediately.  Classes are cancelled for 3/14, 3/21 & 3/28.
BCS will reopen on 4/4 (tentatively, pending BUSD confirmation).
Please check your email and our website for further updates.
Thank you and everyone please stay healthy!
–Andrew (BCS Principal 2019-20)

2020 ANCCS Academic Competition Cancelled


由於新冠狀病毒疫情的蔓延, 北加州中文學校聯合會於3月8日召開緊急會議並決議, 取消舉辦2020北加學術比賽. 稍後會再通知學生關於報名費退費問題. 謝謝您的合作.

Dear BCS Parents and Students,

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) issue, ANCCS held an emergency meeting on 3/8 and decided to cancel the 2020 ANCCS academic competition. Students will be notified later about the refund of ANCCS AC registration fees. Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,


Postpone Spring Performance to Apr-25

Dear Parents,
In today board meeting, all board members agreed to postpone the 40th anniversary celebration from Mar-14 to Apr-25 due to the current Coronavirus situation. There will be cultural class in Sierramont MPR next week.
With Kind Regards,

Berryessa Chinese School
voice mail: (408)5200-BCS(408-520-0227)

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW19 02/15/2020

Dear Parents,
This year we are celebrating BCS 40th Anniversary. BCS Spring Performance (SP) and Spring Performance Poster Contest will become parts of 40th anniversary celebration. The contest is currently extend due on Feb-29-2020. The SP will be held on Saturday, Mar 14, 2020 at the Multi-Purpose Room of Sierramont Middle School. If you and your class are interested in any of two events, Poster Contest and Spring Performance, please submit the following application form (English and Mandarin) to any BCS offices. Please refer to the attached file for details.

Every class is required to submit 2 pages for BCS 40th anniversary yearbook. Please email to yearbook@bcs-usa.org  should you have any questions. The submission due by Feb/15/2020.

2020-2021 student returning package will be delivered to each class this Saturday ( Feb/15/2020 ). All class representatives are required to meet with BCS registration staff in each campus at 9:30am to understand the procedure to handle the form. The package will be given away during the meeting.
Morrill – BCS office
Sierramont & Piedmont – Library
Vote YES on U to support outstanding Berryessa Union School District schools and ensure local students receive a high-quality education in safe and up-to-date classrooms. Click here for the details about Measure U.
During the holiday, you may shop at smile.amazon.com to generate AmazonSmile donations for BCS.
BCS is highly aware of the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Wuhan China.  The situation is still developing and we will continue to monitor and pass on any new information.  We asked that everyone take a common sense approach and keep your child at home if they are sick.
Please note that there is important new information for your review:
1. If you have students or staff who have been in Hubei province within the last 14 days, please ask them to immediately return home and call the public health department during regular business hours (408-885-3980, M-F 8-5) so that we can provide guidance on monitoring themselves carefully for symptoms for the 14 days since their last day in China.
a. Family members of travelers who visited Hubei province within the last 14 days do not need to quarantine at home, but they should also monitor for symptoms and avoid attending large gatherings.
2. Students or staff who have been to other areas of mainland China (this excludes Hong Kong) within the last 14 days should also not come to school. They should monitor themselves for symptoms for the 14 days since their last day in China. Per federal guidance being released today, they should also call the public health department during regular business hours (408- 885-3980,
M-F 8-5) for further guidance.
In either case, if they become symptomatic within 14 days since their last day in China with fever (including chills or night sweats), cough, or shortness of breath, they should call a healthcare provider and let them know their travel history and symptoms.
For more information on this issue, please read the full letter below. You can also visit the following websites: Santa Clara County Public Health Department or the Santa Clara County Office of Education.
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 19    02/15/2020
                                      Language Classes             Culture Classes
Morrill                         CK2 [3] CFL2 [3]     L10 (Cartoon Drawing 漫畫) [2]
Sierramont                 M5 [3] CFL5A [3]     MC   [3]
Piedmont                         M8 [2] HSIC1 [2]     HSIC1   [2]
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old

Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes)