註冊座談會 Open Enrollment Seminar (3/16/19)

日期 Date: 3/16/2019
時間 Time: 9:30 to 10:30 AM
地點 Location: Morrill Middle School


研討會參加者請停車在博愛中文學校辦公室街對面的教堂停車場 (3110 Cropley Ave)。

This seminar will introduce you to the language programs offered by Berryessa Chinese School including information about the teaching method from the Mandarin, Cantonese, and CFL (Chinese Language as Foreign Language) Departments.

Attendee please park in the church parking lot across the street from Berryessa Chinese School office (3110 Cropley Ave).


日期: 2019年3月23日星期六
時間: 上午9:30至11:00
地黠: Morill Middle School, Multi Purple Room (MPR)

Open Enrollment

Date: 03/23/2019
Time: 9:30 am – 11:00am
Location: Morill Middle School, Multi Purple Room (MPR)

校長的話 Principal's Message 9/8/2018 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung

我歡迎大家回來博愛,特別是今年的新同學和家庭。 博愛仍然是北加州地區最大的中文學校之一。 所有這一切都歸功於我們經驗豐富的老師,熱心義工和家長的幫忙。我們可以共同努力克服任何問題。
博愛的創校宗旨不僅是為我們的孩子提供學習中國語言和文化的機會,還可以增強孩子對其他文化的理解。 這是非常重要,因為我們的孩子在全球社區中成長,並將與許多其他文化互動。 只有理解,我們的孩子才會對其他社會產生寬容和尊重。
博愛是一個非謀利的合作教育機構。 我們依靠義工和家長的人力來管理我們的學校。博愛要您的幫助才能繼續成功。我歡迎幾位新成員加入我們的團隊, 副主任(國語)曾泰原、副主任(國語) 陳莉君、副主任(粵語) 梅相燕、副主任(粵語)鄭宇志、副主任(CFL班) 丁俊、副主任(文化) 林玟伶、副主任(人事) 金惠嫻、副主任(註冊) 蘇靜賢、信息技術許創思。
我們還有幾個空缺職位,校園經理(Morrill) ,副主任(財務) 和替代教師(所有部門)。 如果您有興趣,請發送電子郵件至 bcs_board@yahoo.com 或聯繫我們任何一位董事會成員。
Summer is over, I hope everyone had a chance to relax and refresh their mind and body.
I welcome all of you back to 博愛, especially our new students and their family.  博愛 remains one of the largest Chinese school serving the Northern California area.  All of this due to in part to the tireless effort of our highly experienced teachers, enthusiastic staffs and parent helpers.  We can overcome any problem by working together as a team.
博愛’s mission is not only to provide an opportunity for our children to learn the Chinese language and culture but also enhance our children understanding of other cultures.  This is very important since our children are growing up in a global community and will be interacting with many other cultures. Only with understanding can our children develop tolerance and respect toward others.
博愛 is a non-profit co-op education organization.  We rely on the manpower of volunteers and parent helpers to manage and operate our school.  I like to welcome several new faces to our team: Mandarin Associate Dean Tevin Tseng, Mandarin Associate Dean Lydia Chen, Cantonese Associate Dean Candy Kwan, Cantonese Associate Dean U Chi Chiang, CFL Associate Dean Tuan Dinh, Culture Associate Dean Teresa Lin, HR Associate Dean Fiona Chin, Registration Associate Dean Janet Soo and IT Support William Hui.
BCS need your help to continue our success, we have several open positions including Campus Manager (Morrill), Financial Associate Dean, and substitute teachers.  If you are interested, please contact us by email to bcs_board@yahoo.com or talk with any board member.
Principal Andrew Hung

2018-2019 School starts on 9/8 

《學童文化班》圍棋班 Sierramont ,歡迎舊雨新知報名,八歲以上學童。

<Children Cultural> Chinese Go Game (Sierramont) welcomes returning and new students, for 8 years older.
葉濟菡老師帶著愉快的笑容和耐心,在課堂中引導學童對圍棋的興趣和信心,操著流利的國語和英語,傳達對圍棋文化的熱情。秉著對圍棋的高段學識和國內外比賽經驗,在2018年7月份時比賽中成為首位連續六次獲得北美洲 Redmond Cup 青少年組冠軍,在2016年日本舉辦的世界級比賽取得青少年組的第三名。
Chinese Go Game is more than a class to introduce one of Chinese cultures. It is to teach how to use black and white stones to attack, defend, and calculate within 19×19 grid board. Parents are welcome to stay in class to learn the skills from Teacher.
Teacher Aaron Ye has gained popularity among the pupils in the past school year. With strong passion and deep knowledge in Chinese Go Game, he has led his students into higher interest and better understanding in the techniques of Go Game. Aaron in July of 2018 won North American Redmond Cup senior division champion, which has made him as the 1st American Go player who had won the title 6th times. Don’t forget to mention that, in 2016 World Youth Goe Championships, he won the 3rd place.
《學童文化班》珠心算班 Morrill ,六歲以上學童。
<Children Cultural> Mental Arithmetic and Abacus (Morrill), for 6 years older.
Practicing abacus is required to begin learning, at the end of school, the students will be able to do simple math without the use of abacus.
Jacob Choi, started off as a BCS student in mental arithmetic and abacus class. For the past 10 plus years, he still continued in learning and practice. He has earned numerous awards through participating regional and international competitions. He volunteered as a teaching assistant under our popular teacher Elisa Ta for 2 years and took over the teaching position in the School Year 2016-17. We welcome Jacob for re-joining BCS Cultural faculty.
BCS children cultural classes are for BCS language class students only.
9/8 and 9/15 in Piedmont MPR 開放免費試學 FREE TRYOUT SESSIONS
輕快舞蹈,鬆軟筋骨,活力瑜珈 。舊雨新知,歡迎參加,盡早報名。

校長的話 Principal Message 6/2/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

感謝博愛的秘書林月香(Huong Lam),她的孩子很多年前已經在博愛畢業了,但她仍然毫無條件的留下來幫我們擔任秘書一職,一下子己十多年,現在她終於要退休了,認識她的人都會説她是一個開心果,時常把歡笑帶給我們,真的捨不得她! 衷心的祝福她和家人生活愉快!
今天是學期的最後一天上課, 希望每一位同學都能和老師説一聲:「謝謝老師教導!」 本人謹代表博愛中文學校感謝所有的老師和義工家長們在過去一年內為學校所作出的貢獻,更不辭勞苦的默默耕耘,使我們共渡第三十八周年。在2018-2019學年,博愛校長將會是洪篤彦(Andrew Hung),Andrew 已經在校董會十多年,經驗豐富,希望大家繼續的支持他,讓博愛能繼續為我們的下一代發揚中華文化而努力!我仍會以前任校長(Principal Emeritas) 的身份留在校董會內。

校長的話 Principal Message 5/19/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

親愛的老師、家長和同學: 大家好!今天是十二年級同學畢業的大好日子,看見您們畢業我真有點兒傷感,但也有點兒歡欣,傷感的是我和老師們都捨不得您們,歡欣的是您們己經長大了。老師們己經把中國語文都教授給您們,而且還教您們做人處事之道,請衷心的謝謝他/她們。您們終於要離開博愛,就讓您們把過往在中文學校的美好回憶一同的帶回家中,慢慢的細嚼回味。未來的星期六早上,您們可以睡個痛快,父母也不會把您們吵醒要返中文學校。 我也為您們的父母開心呢! 他們不用再做司機,也不用當巡邏,請感謝您們的父母! 今天家長們也可以退休了,可以考慮參加我們的成人文化班,如氣功、插花、羽毛球或舞、動、禪等等。 畢業的同學們,您們今天的畢業並不代表您們學習中文的終結,這只是代表您們另一階段的開始,前面將會是新的挑戰和考驗,希望您們都能克服所有困難,為自己的目標勇往直前!最終必能踏上成功之路,這也是我們對您們的期望,有機會的話,一定要繼續好好的學習中文, 最後祝同學們前程萬里!更上一層樓!
《文化班公告》 Cultural Department <www.bcs-usa.org/culture-dept>
5/19/18 P11 羽毛球今天停課(課室 (MPR) 須用來舉行畢業典禮)
Today 5/19/18 ** NO P11 Badminton class ** due to MPR not available.
For School Year 2018-2019 學年度
想報名《學童文化班》,請將<表格><支票 $185> 繳交給辦公室助理。無遲交費。
Language students interested in taking <children’s Cultural classes> please submit form and check $185 at campus offices. No late fee.
註:網上報名已截止。Online registration ended.
以下文化班因名額已滿,不再接收報名。 Classes listed below are full, will not accept more students.
* Morrill – L1 Mental Arithmetic 珠心算
* Morrill – L13 少林武術班 Shaolin Wushu
* Sierramont – S11 羽毛球 Badminton
* Piedmont  – P11 羽毛球 Badminton

校長的話 Principal Message 5/12/2018 李利中 Brian Lee

多謝大家上星期六前來投票選出下學年度的校董會成員! 歡迎新的家長加入我們校董會! 有家長問我為什麼我的名字不在選票名單上,原因是我即將卸任,我的孩子己經不在博愛讀書,在下學年度我將會以前校長的身份留在校董會幫忙,所以我是自動當選的。如果大家對校董會有任何問題和意見,請與我們聯絡。 今天下午3時,我們的國樂隊將會在Cupertino Main Street (19419 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino) 參加世界日報母親節慶祝園遊會表演, 希望大家陪同家人和朋友前來參觀。 明天5月13日是母親節,我祝願天下所有母親們身體健康!心想事成! 請給您們母親一個擁抱,這是給她最好的禮物!
母親節快樂! Happy Mother’s Day!