The CFL Program is suitable for students who do not speak or speak a little Mandarin at home. Students can learn Chinese through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and daily conversation using simple Chinese words. Students will also be exposed to Chinese history and culture to build foundation and interest in learning Chinese.
The CFL Program has classes from entry level, 1st to to 8th grade, using simplified Chinese characters and Hanyu pinyin. After 8th grade, students can continue learning Chinese in the HSIC classes which are equivalent to the high school foreign language courses and may receive high school credits.
The entry level class uses ‘My First Chinese Words’ as the textbook which includes 36 Audio CD materials. In the basic class, students can learn 150 Chinese characters and 22 topics such as: family, friends, food, animals, school, life . . . etc. From 1st to 8th grades, students will use four volumes of ‘My First Chinese Reader’ textbooks. The course teaches listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The topics learned in the basic class will be gradually expanded to broaden the knowledge. The language activities will be integrated into the dialogue to meet the language application in daily life. Not only will students learn Chinese, but will also have the opportunity to get to know the festival customs, traditional values, literature, cultural interest and social norms of Chinese culture.
中文外语班课程包括入门班级、一年级至八年级 采用简体字及汉语拼音为辅之学习。八年级后,学生可以参加高中学分班(HSIC),作为继续高中水平外语课程的一种选择。
基础启蒙班使用快乐幼儿华语其中包括36张Audio光碟教材,在基础班经由听、说、读的方式可以学习到150 个中文字,和22 个主题,如:家庭、朋友、食物、动物、学校生活。。。等。一年级至八年级使用快乐儿童华语第一册到第四册教材。课程教授听、说、读、和写, 将在基础班学得的经验循序渐进的将主题加以扩大,并在语文活动参插对话练习,以满足语言在日常生活的应用需求;另外还会包括简单的节日习俗、传统价值观、文学、文化的趣味性与人文关怀,学生在没有压力的状况下喜爱上中文。
中文外語班課程包括入門班級、一年級至八年級採用簡體字及漢語拼音為輔之學習。 八年級後,學生可以參加高中學分班(HSIC),作為繼續高中程度外語課程的一種選擇。
基礎啓蒙班使用快樂幼兒華語其中包括36張Audio光碟教材,在基礎班經由聽、說、讀的方式可以學習到150 個中文字,和 22 個主題,如:家庭、朋友、食物、動物、學校生活。。。等。一年級至八年級使用快樂兒童華語第一冊到第四冊教材。 課程教授聽、說、讀、和寫, 將在基礎班學得的經驗循序漸進的將主題加以擴大,並在語文活動参挿對話練習,以滿足語言在日常生活的應用需求;另外還會包括簡單的節日習俗、傳統價值觀、文學、文化的趣味性與人文關懷,學生在沒有壓力的狀況下喜愛上中文。