- 低年級的教學以注音符號聲韻聲調、字形部首和認讀字為主。
- 中年級開始併入漢語拼音教學,也逐步增加寫作練習,訓練及培養中文造句能力。
- 進階班以多媒體應用教學,課程深入中華文化,也加入課堂時事討論,以強化詞彙運用和寫作能力。
語文班註冊表格 Language Class Registration Form
以主題為單元教授多元的文化課程,讓學生不只精進國語文,更多方面的接受中華文化的薰陶,進一步為AP Chinese打下基礎。目前中國文化特別班有三套課程,其課程各自獨立。
提供深入且全面的中文學習體驗。除幫助學生提升中文語言能力,達成理想成績滿分5分的主要目標外,還能更深入了解中國文化與社會。這門課必將幫助學生在AP Chinese考試中獲得優異成績,並為大學申請加分。
文化班註冊表格 Cultural Class Registration Form
The Mandarin Program is designed for students who already speak Mandarin at home or for those who wish to become fluent in Mandarin. The Mandarin teachers use nursery songs, stories, games, recitation and reading to help children get excited about learning Mandarin. Meanwhile, students establish the foundation in Mandarin through class activities and writing assignments.
The Mandarin Program curriculum includes entry level, 1st to 8th grade and advanced Mandarin. The classes are taught in traditional Chinese characters and phonetics (B P M F). In the fourth grade, Han Yu Pin Yin (a o e i u ü) will also be included in the exercise lesson.
Entry level classes use textbooks and exercise books edited by Berryessa Chinese School. From 1st grade to 8th grade, we use Quan-Xin-Ban Hua Yu or OCAC Let’s Learn Chinese textbooks and exercise books. The curriculum covers listening and reading comprehension, speaking, and writing. In addition to the usage of language, the program includes other cultural topics, eg, Chinese history and geography, festivals and customs, and literature.