Open Enrollment

博愛中文學校 2025-2026 學年報名3/22 開放註冊!

想加入我們的學習大家庭,千萬別錯過!  讓孩子在快樂的環境中學習中文、認識文化,現在正是最好的機會!博愛中文學校提供國語,粵語,中文外語(CFL) ,高中綜合班 (HSIC) 及文化班課程。

Berryessa Chinese School 2025-2026 Student Enrollment begins on March 22!

Great news! Registration opens on 3/22 – don’t miss your chance to join our learning family!  This is the perfect opportunity for children to learn Chinese and explore the culture in a fun and engaging environment! Berryessa Chinese School offers Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL), High School Integrated Chinese (HSIC), and cultural classes.

註冊表格 Registration Forms
註冊信息 Registration Information

Event Details:
日期 Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025
時間 Time: 9:30AM – 11:00AM
地點 Location: Morrill 多用室   Morrill Middle School, Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)
(1970 Morrill Ave, San Jose, CA 95132)


Please feel free to contact us at if you have any open enrollment or registration question.