BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW03 09/21/2019

Dear Parents,
All new class representative, please turn in your contact sheet to each campus office or collected by each language associate deans. Otherwise, all previous year class representatives remain in duty for the first 3 weeks. Until the next candidates are appointed, they will continue in duty to assist BCS in routine assignment. 
New class representatives meeting will be next week (09/28/2019). This will be held at the same time across all campus. During the meeting, there will be drawing for Sierramont Fall Carnival parent helpers to the assigned time slot. All Sierramont class representatives, please make sure you attend the meeting.
Fall Carnival event (10/26/2019) is approaching, all classes are encouraged to setup a booth during the event.
There are a list of seminar related to credit transfer and college application planning in Piedmont Middle School Library between 9:00 to 10:00am as below:
– Sep 21 High School curriculum and College application planning
– Sep 28 High School curriculum and College application planning
Please note the new campus classes assignments:
Morrill:          MP, MK, M1, M2, CFLK, CFL1, CFL2, CP, CK, C1, C2
Sierramont:    M3, M4, M5, M6, CFL3, CFL4, CFL5, CFL6, C3, C4, C5
Piedmont:      M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, HSIC1, HSIC2, HSIC3/4, CFL7, CFL8, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11/12
**Campus Patrol**
                          Week 3           9/21/2019
                        Language Classes              Culture Classes
Morrill         C1B [3]     MK [3]     L10 (Cartoon Drawing 漫畫) [2]
Sierramont C4B [3]     M4 [3]     S9 (Chinese Go 圍棋) [2]
Piedmont         M10 [2]     C9 [2]     HSIC2   [2]
       Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
       Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes) 
Please refer to the link below for patrol schedule of each class.


BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW02 09/14/2019

Dear Parents,

2018-2019 class representatives and liaisons duty is extended up to week 3. All newly elected class representative(s) are urged to complete the contact form. Please return the completed form to BCS office as soon as you can. All newly elected personnel will then begin to receive eNews later.

BCS will distribute a full version of “students & parents handbook” to new students. All returning students will receive supplement version. Please sign the “Parent Return Slip” (2 pages) when received. All class representatives will collect them and return to each campus office.

Classroom assignment changes:
Piedmont:  ( M11 ) room 19 to 22
Sierramont: ( S13 Cartoon Drawing ) room 5A to 27
                   ( M6 ) room 2C to 2A
                   ( MC Mandarin Conversation )  room 6C to 3A
Morrill: ( C2 ) B4 to B1

There’s a car accident last Saturday at BUSD maintenance office parking lot. Please refer to the attached pictures. If anyone noticed this incidence, please contact us.

There are a list of seminar related to credit transfer and college application planning in Piedmont Middle School Library between 9:00 to 10:00am as below:
– Sep 14 High School Chinese as a 2nd language credit transfer program
– Sep 21 High School curriculum and College application planning
– Sep 28 High School curriculum and College application planning
Please note the new campus classes assignments:
Morrill:          MP, MK, M1, M2, CFLK, CFL1, CFL2, CP, CK, C1, C2
Sierramont:    M3, M4, M5, M6, CFL3, CFL4, CFL5, CFL6, C3, C4, C5
Piedmont:      M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, HSIC1, HSIC2, HSIC3/4, CFL7, CFL8, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11/12
**Campus Patrol**
                          Week 2           9/14/2019
                        Language Classes                    Culture Classes
Morrill         C1A [3] M1 [3]         L4 (Western Drawing 西畫 ) [2]
Sierramont C4A [3] M5 [3]         S11 (Badminton 羽毛球) [2]
Piedmont         M11 [2] C10 [2]         P11 (Badminton 羽毛球) [2]
       Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
       Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes) 
Please refer to the link below for patrol schedule of each class.


Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW02 09/14/2019”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW01 09/07/2019

Dear Parents,

Hope everyone had a great and relaxing summer. On behalf of BCS board, we welcome you all back to BCS for another successful year of learning our heritage. Please click for Principal’s welcome message

2018-2019 class representatives and liaisons duty is extended up to week 3. BCS had consolidated both class representative and liaison duty into one since last year. Each class can elect a maximum of 2 class representatives. All newly elected class representative(s) are urged to complete the contact form. The form will be distributed by each language department associate deans. Please return the completed form to BCS office as soon as you can. All newly elected personnel will then begin to receive eNews later.

BCS will distribute a full version of “students & parents handbook” to new students. All returning students will receive supplement version. Please sign the “Parent Return Slip” (2 pages) when received. All class representatives will collect them and return to each campus office.


Please refer to BCS first day of school web page for information relating to the assigned classroom and etc.

Please be aware that CFL6 is now in Sierramont.
There are a list of seminar related to credit transfer and college application planning in Piedmont Middle School Library between 9:00 to 10:00am as below:
– Sep 07 High School Chinese as a 2nd language credit transfer program
– Sep 14 High School Chinese as a 2nd language credit transfer program
– Sep 21 High School curriculum and College application planning
– Sep 28 High School curriculum and College application planning
Please note the new campus classes assignments:
Morrill:          MP, MK, M1, M2, CFLK, CFL1, CFL2, CP, CK, C1, C2
Sierramont:    M3, M4, M5, M6, CFL3, CFL4, CFL5, CFL6, C3, C4, C5
Piedmont:      M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, HSIC1, HSIC2, HSIC3/4, CFL7, CFL8, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11/12
**Campus Patrol**
                          Week 1           9/07/2019
                        Language Classes                    Culture Classes
Morrill             C2 [3]         M2 [3]         L1 (Mental Arithmetic 珠心算) [2]
Sierramont     C5 [3]         M6 [3]         S4 (Chinese Painting 中國繪畫) [2]
Piedmont             M12 [2] C12/C11 [2] HSIC3/4   [2]
       Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
       Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:40AM-12:55PM(Culture classes) 
Please refer to the link below for patrol schedule of each class.

Continue reading “BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW01 09/07/2019”

粵語會語班 Cantonese Conversation

課程編號: CC
課程名稱: 粵語會話
Class Location:   Morrill Middle School
Class Time:         11:45am – 12:45pm
Cost:                    $190  (with Language class registration)
For Kindergarten to 2nd grade Cantonese class students.  Main purpose of this course is to develop students in Listening and Speaking of Cantonese. Using fun small group activities and songs to teach students simple practical Cantonese conversations they can use in daily life. Allow students to have more opportunities practicing dialogue in Cantonese, and to practice correct pronunciation. Class size is limited to between 10 and 16 students.
Students must be able to understand basic Cantonese instruction.
School will base on the number of registered students and their Cantonese level to decide on the acceptance priority for this class.
Please use the link below to register:
– Select “P to 2nd grade – Morrill Campus”
– Select Other: put “Cantonese Conversation”
To complete the registration, please pay tuition at the Morrill MPR on first day of school between 9:30am-11:00am. 
Free feel to email us if you have questions.
主要對象為幼稚園至二年級粵語班學生。旨在給予學生們多點聆聽和練習粵語的機會。以輕鬆方式教導學生簡單的日常生活粵話會話。盡量讓同學們在小組遊戲和歌唱中得到多些用粵話對話的練習機會, 以及矯正學生的粵語發音.  限制每班大約在10至16人。學生須能聽及明白簡單粵語.
– 選擇  “P to 2nd grade – Morrill Campus”
– 選擇  Other: put “Cantonese Conversation”
填妥後請在開學日上午9:30至11:00在Morrill MPR付款。

校長的話 Principal’s Message 8/26/2019 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung


大家好! 轉瞬間, 暑假又結束了,我相信大家都渡過了一個開心難忘的暑假。 今年是博愛中文學校成立的第40周年,博愛中文學校是一所非牟利的機構,我們十分感謝熱心的家長義工和教學不倦的老師們,沒有他們辛勤的努力,我們也沒有今天的成就,如今博愛已成為全美最大的中文學校之一。

我代表博愛歡迎所有的舊生和新加入的學生和家長們,十分感謝你們對博愛的信任和支持! 我們會竭盡所能,盡心丶盡意 和盡力的做到更好。

今年博愛中文學校的開課日期為九月七日星期六,希望大家都能夠收拾心情來迎接新一年的挑戰, 就讓我們一同努力吧!

在這個新的學年,博愛中文學校會有一些新的做法和改變,祈盼家長和學生們一如既往的全力支持。 以下附上新學年度開學須知及細節,其中包括教室分配圖、教務和註冊組通訊等,敬請各位新舊生及家長務必詳細閱讀。 此外,由於各校區學生班級分佈和教室有所調整,也煩請各位家長特別留意 貴子女所就讀之校區。 有關其他資訊,請大家瀏覽博愛網頁(www.bcs-usa.org)。 如有疑問,請電郵至bcs_board@yahoo.com查詢。



Dear Berryessa Chinese School Families,

How are you? Time flies and summer vacation is coming to an end. I hope you all have had a wonderful summer vacation. This is Berryessa Chinese School’s (BCS) 40th year. BCS is a non-profit organization and we are thankful, especially for our enthusiastic parent volunteers and hardworking teachers. Without their contributions, BCS would not have had such esteemed reputation. Currently, BCS is one of the largest Chinese Schools in the United States.

Continue reading “校長的話 Principal’s Message 8/26/2019 洪篤彥 Andrew Hung”

BCS Weekly E-Newsletter WW30 06/01/2019

Dear Parents,
BCS 2019-2020 first day of school had been approved at Sep-07-2019.
2019-2020 成人國畫班招生 Adult Chinese Painting class (now still accept application). Please refer to attached file for the details.
BCS will open 3 new cultural courses to enhance our students Mandarin in multiple different aspects. The courses are:
                Morrill:            說學逗唱 I    Say It in Chinese ( L14 )
                Sieramont:     國語會話班   Mandarin Conversation ( MC )
                Piedmont:      說學逗唱 II    The Art of Chinese Speech ( P14 )
**Campus Patrol**
                                                  Week 30      06/01/2019
                                  Language Classes          Culture Classes
Morrill                     M2 [3]             C2A [3] L1 (Mental Arithmetic 珠心算) [2]
Sierramont             C5A [3]     CFL5 [3] S13 (Cartoon Drawing 漫畫) [2]
Piedmont                     HSIC2/3 [2]     C6 [2] HSIC2/3   [2]
Note: [number] = number of parent patrol for each campus.
         Campus patrols must be at least 18 years old
Duty time: 8:45AM – 11:45AM (Language classes) / 11:30AM-12:45PM(Culture classes)