

中華民國婦女聯合會舊金山分會,為鼓勵在北加州的華裔優秀青年努力向學,決定頒發四名獎助學金,每名獎狀乙紙,獎金500美元。自即日接受報名, 婦聯會獎助學金($500)申請延至2/22。(以郵戳為憑 ),敬請踴躍申請。
申請人資格及所需文件如下 :
一. 2016年在北加州華裔高三學生且將於同年秋季就讀大學者。
二. 填寫獎學金申請表 (附近照一張 ) 。
三. 高中三年成績單及SAT成績單。
四. 自傳一份,以不超過二頁為限。
五. 推薦信兩封 (其中一封必須是老師撰寫 ) 。
六. 作文一篇,以一頁為主。
作文題目: 中華民國臺灣的人情味。 (以500字為限)

Chinese Women’s League (CWL) in San Francisco, Scholarship Program, Committee Chair Ms. Susie Sung , 地址- 1044 Pensacola St. Foster City, CA 94404

有關事宜請電洽 : 獎學金組長宋秀實415-412-3532,總幹事呂玉貞510-673-1398

網址如下 :


2016 學術比賽重要通知

而且符合可以代表博愛,參加北加州中文學校聯合會 04/03/16 1:30pm 在 Fremont 
的 Mission San Jose High School 舉辦的學術比賽的話,應會收到學術小組發出的
學生們,沒有與學術比賽小組聯絡,與完成報名手續。本週六,02/06/16 將是截止
期限 deadline,請各位家長們,鼓勵您家孩子們,踴躍報名參加北加的學術比賽。
請欲參加比賽的同學,仔細填妥表格 (校區辦公室備有報名表),能盡快 26
博愛上課日將此報名表,連同支票 (報名費每人$20,支票抬頭請 BCS),送交校區 
的博愛辦公室。遲 02/06 逾時未報名者,  或一直未與學術比賽小組事先聯繫確認
的話,參賽資格將由第二名,或第三名 依次遞補。
在 2016 的校內學術比賽得到優勝的學生們, 二月十三日將在三個校區,分別舉行

校長的話 1月30日 李利中

博愛中文學校2016年的學術比賽終於在上星期六順利完成了,祝賀每一位勝出的同學和感謝各同學們的參與。部份勝出的同學們,將會在四月三日星期日代表博愛中文學校前往Fremont的Mission San Jose High School參加2016年北加州的中文學術比賽。
多謝各位老師和家長義工們的幫忙,使各項比賽都十分的順利進行,特別感謝劉麗鋓老師帶領着我們的學術小組(鄭敬萍、陳香吟和江景新) 不辭勞苦的工作,沒有他們的精心籌備,也沒有今天的成果! 更多謝前家長劉淑珍、龍瑞蘭老師、家長Adam Cho和博愛校董們的幫助。   謝謝!

2016 中文SATII模擬考試

好消息:2016 中文SATII模擬考試報名截止日期原訂為128日,但由於今年第一次實施網上報名,因此將 報名截止日期延長至2月6
請各位老師和家長鼓勵所有中、高年級 (七年級以上的學生報名參加SAT中文模擬考試。

​請於1/30或2/6到Piedmont 辦公室報名,報名費校內生$10​,校外生$15,

報名單可以自行下載或到Piedmont 辦公室領取。

2016 中文SATII模擬考試手冊公布於總會網站(http://www.reg.ncacls.net/index.php/satii 

Update: Stats Unbound offers FREE After School Youth Science Analytic and Analytical Robotics Programs at Morrill Learning Center – Seats are limited – FIRST COME FIRST SERVE

Location: Morrill Learning Center, 2187 Morrill Ave, San Jose, CA
Class Schedule: Friday 4:30pm-6pm (January 29 to February 26)
Program 1: Youth Science Analytics Level I for G4-G7 kids
Program 2: Analytical Robotics EV3 Level I for G4-G8 kids
Deposit $50 to reserve the seat: Deposit will be returned on February 26 if student has greater than 80% attendance.
There will be an informal orientation session this coming Friday (1/29) at 5:30 pm.  Parents and students are welcome to attend to learn more about the programs.
Please mention that you’re BCS student when sign up for the program at the Morrill Learning Center.
Below are the programs information.
Youth Science Analytics Program
We have designed a very special Youth Science and Analytics Levels I, II for G4-G7 students. They will learn several Science Projects such as Golfer, Helicopter, and Coin Measurement. Several analytics subjects are well elaborated in this program including: Basic Statistics, and Probability, Mental Math, Excel Statistics, and Systematic Root Cause Analytics. We particularly extract the Math Elements which are more data-driven, statistics-oriented, practical and hands-on practice. Students will learn Science, Analytics, and Math in one combo curriculum. We emphasize the critical thinking, team building, problem solving, hands-on, and project management skills in each class. Kids will play statistical games and develop their strong statistics sense
Analytical Robotics EV3 Program
Our instructors will spend significant time to guide each student to become EV3 Programmer. Students will learn the most popular Blocks to design their EV3 software package in order to achieve Multi-Tasking. Students will learn how to use Data logging to download their sensor data into the SPSS software and use statistics to analyze the Robotics movement pattern in order to optimize both Hardware Architecture and Software EV3 Programming. Design Robotics architecture and develop MindStorm EV3 software programming. Emphasize on the Robotics System (hardware and software) integration and design optimization. Use analytical data-driven approach to study the complicated Robotics motion pattern and use PID control to optimize the Robotics design objectively.
If you have any questions, please contact Charles, and mention that you’re BCS student/parent.
Charles Chen

校長的話 1月16日 李利中
