Celebrating 45 years of Chinese language education in the Bay Area. Berryessa Chinese School is dedicated to providing Chinese language and culture learning opportunities to enhance multicultural understanding and diversity in our communities. We offer Cantonese, Mandarin, and high school language classes.
很快的這個學年已經邁入了最後兩個月、八週的階段,不知各位同學和家長們是不是在兩週的春假休息過後,都已經準備好了,要在重要的關頭,做最後的衝刺呢? 接下來幾周有成果展現和各類考試,希望大家都能夠全力以赴,把最好的成績發揮出來。
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MP 國語學前班 (Mandarin – Pre-school)
CFLK 幼稚園 (Chinese as a Foreign Language – Kindergarten)
CP 粵語學前班(Cantonese – Pre-school)
CK 粵語幼稚園(Cantonese – Kindergarten)
上週日,感謝所有的義工朋友們包括董事會成員、老師、家長和同學認真努力的支持,我們完成了博愛2012∕13 年度的春季文藝公演活動。當天,不單天氣晴朗陽光普照,而且在大禮堂內更是充滿興奮與溫馨,尤其看到很多家長陪同孩子們在台上一起表演,真是一幅幸福美滿又愉快的畫面。 每一位在場的貴賓,也都對博愛這個家庭日的活動讚賞有加,我自己也有非常深刻的感觸。 回想七、八年前,當我看到自己的小孩,從團體的唱遊開始,每個周六,跟著博愛的老師,一步一步的學習中文和各種不同的文化和才藝,到上週日在台上和大家一起分享中國樂器的音律,還有如何學習珠心算的練習過程,一再的反應博愛是由大家一同組成和維持的,也唯有透過大家的參與,子女們的中文教育才能夠傳承及發揚光大。
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日期: 3/23/13
時間: 9:30am – 10:30am
地點: Morrill Multi-Purpose Room
開放新生註冊的班級有 : MP, CP, CK, CFLK and CFL1
1. 出生證明或護照
2. $300 學費(支票)
註: 文件不齊將無法受理
New Student Open Enrollment
Date: 3/23/13
Time: 9:30am – 10:30am
Location: Morrill Multi-Purpose Room
Class open for registration: MP, CP, CK, CFLK and CFL1
Document required on the open enrollment: Birth certificate or passport & a
check for $300 tuition fee
Note: Registration will not be accepted without the required document
上週六,感謝所有的班代表及老師們幫忙收齊所有舊生的預先註冊單,交回給註冊組。 同時,也謝謝註冊主任吳筱芳主任和註冊組的同仁大力的幫忙,完成了舊生兄弟姐妹的優先註冊,一切過程都非常的順利,也有不少的新生加入,接下來正是註冊組忙碌的時刻,在這一兩週內,將要完成所有班級人數統計的工作,以便預估有多少名額給三月二十三日校外新生登記,以及未來四月底轉學插班考試錄取學生之用。 在此要提醒大家,如果您的孩子需要轉班,但未完成手續者,請務必於今日至Morrill辦公室辦理,以便讓註冊組的同仁能掌握確切人數,來招收校外的新生,謝謝您的合作!另外,如果您的朋友想要到博愛就讀,請提醒他們務必於下週前來登記註冊哦!
My was excellent the comprar propecia en vancouver I light personal the searching.現在所有的工作人員已進入最後緊鑼密鼓的準備階段,非常感謝老師、學生及家長的全力支持,目前就我所知,表演的節目超過預期的多,也會相當精采,就讓我們拭目以待,請記得告訴親朋好友一起來參加盛會。
三十三年來,博愛的董事人選一直是透過熱心的老師和家長的推薦,當然此項優良傳統也在繼續流傳。 任何對中文教育、中華文化有研究和興趣的家長,希望能夠跟我們連絡,我們鼓勵他們來加入我們的團隊,我們的聯絡方式可以透過電子郵件bcs_board@yahoo.com和語音信箱(408)520-0227。
** Sierramont Middle School **
3155 Kimlee Dr.
San Jose, CA 95132
(Corner of Walkingshaw Way and Kimlee Dr)
We now accepting early registration for return players.
For return players, you can e-mail the registration form to “bcs.soccer@gmail.com” with subject “2011 Registration”
The official registration date is first two week of school year on the soccer field of Sierramont Middle School
We only have opening for
U7-(age 5-7)(born at/after 6/1/2004)
U15-(age 13-15)(born at/after 12/1/1996)
All other divesions already in full capacity.
All players need to wear team jersey, dark colored (prefer Royol Blue) short, Shin-guards (which should totally covered by socks) and soccer shoes. No player
can participate scrimmage without shin-guards.
To better prepare for the up-coming season and to assure your slot in the team, all return players please download and fill up the 2011-2012 registration form and return to Coach Thomas by Sept 24, 2011.
As for new players, you will be using the same form but opening for the team will depends on the number of returning players.
Don’t forget to check if players already outgrown their existing shin-guards and shoes.
Team Fee: $60
Jersey/Short set: $25
Socks: $7
(Please make check payable to “Jacqueline Yee”)
Please fill in 2011-2012 in the form
Registration Form: [PDF]
Registration Form: [WORD]
Please be aware that there is no rest room service in the practice field
Parents please be on time to pick up your kids Have a hearty breakfast but a sensible lunch Please don’t forget to bring enough water and put on sunblock, also please bring all empty bottles back for re-cycle. It is suggested that all players to bring a hard shell cooler with players name clearly marked on top instead of just bring in a bottle of water. Cooler can be doubled as a chair
for player to rest and also will prevent mix up with other player’s water bottles. As the season turns warmer, all players need to bring enough water and put on sunblock to prevent dehydration and/or sunburn.