推薦獎勵計畫 Referral Program


Do you like Berryessa Chinese School?

為慶祝博愛中文學校建校 45 週年,我們特別推出推薦獎勵計畫!🎉 當您推薦一位新的語言課學生,將可獲得 $50 獎勵金(詳情請見下方備註)。

我們誠摯邀請您和您的朋友參加 開放參觀日活動,深入了解博愛中文學校的多元課程:

📅 日期: 2025 年 3 月 15 日(星期六)
⏰ 時間: 上午 9:30AM – 11:00AM
📍 地點: Morrill 中學

活動將介紹 粵語班、國語班、中文外語班、高中綜合班 以及豐富的 文化課程,適合母語與非母語學習者。此外,我們還提供 兒童與成人課程,滿足不同學習需求!



📌 (備注)推薦獎勵計畫詳情:
*$50 獎勵金只適用於 您學子2026-2027學年度語言課程的學費折抵。
*被推薦的新生須成功完成 2025-2026 學年註冊手續,並在報名時填寫推薦人學生姓名與學生班級。
*獎勵金將於開學後第三週, 驗證成功後, 以數位形式發送。

In celebration of Berryessa Chinese School’s 45th year anniversary, we are launching a new referral program. Earn $50 for each new language student you refer.*

Invite your friends to come to our upcoming Open House on March 15, 2025 9:30am-11:00am at Morrill Middle School so they can learn what BCS has to offer. Our Cantonese, Mandarin, CFL and HSIC programs, as well as our cultural programs welcome both native and non-native speakers. We even have classes for kids and adults!

Thank you for your continued support!

Berryessa Chinese School

­*The $50 voucher is applicable to new language students referral and redeemable for language tuition only. New students must enroll and pay for the 2025-2026 school year and include your student name and class in the referral on the registration form during the application process for you to receive your tuition voucher for the 2026-2027 school year. The referral voucher will be issued digitally after successful verification in the third week after the start of the semester. Voucher is not transferable. Voucher has no cash value and is not redeemable for cash.