2025-2026 新生註冊說明書 New Student Registration Instructions
2025-2026 課程簡介 Language Programs Overview
表格下載 PDF Registration Forms
請用 Adobe Reader 填寫下載的註冊表格
Registration forms can be downloaded and filled out using Adobe Reader
- 語文班註冊表格 Language Class Registration Form
- 文化班註冊表格 Student Cultural Class Registration Form
- 高中綜合班註冊表格 High School Integrated Chinese (HSIC) Class Registration Form
- 成人文化班註冊表格 Adult Cultural Class Registration Form
- 跳級或插班考試表格 Placement Test Form
- 轉班表格 Class Transfer Form
- 學費退費申請表格 Tuition Refund Request Form
- 教師推薦信表格 Teacher’s Letter of Recommendation Form
2025-2026 語文班註冊表格
2025-2026 Language Class Registration Form
欲報名語文班的新生,請點擊註冊單下載並將資料填妥, 列印後附上以下文件:
- 出生證明影本或護照影本
- 支票兩張(學費及新生註冊費分開開立) ,收費標準請參照 學費及手續費
隨後請您以上申請文件在辦公時間內交給BCS辦公室(Morrill初中學校,聖荷西市)或郵寄至本校 BCS PO Box地址。
請注意: 文件未齊將恕不受理。 註冊組收到您的文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認。
語文班入學名額將以先到先得方式錄取, 直至該班級人數額滿或在開學前,以先到者為準。
If you are a new student, please click form to download and fill it out. Then, please drop it off during school office hours at the BCS Office (Morrill Middle School, San Jose) or mail it to BCS PO Box address with the following required documents:
- A copy of a birth certificate or passport
- Tuition and enrollment fee with 2 separate checks (refer to Tuition and Fees)
Note: Incomplete documents will not be accepted. The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving your documents.
Language class enrollment will be on a first come first serve basis until the class is full or before the school starts, whichever comes first.
Mailing Address 郵寄地址:
BCS Registration Dept.
PO Box 32988
San Jose, CA 95152
2025-2026 文化班註冊表格
2025-2026 Student Cultural Class Registration Form
若您目前是博愛中文學校語文班在校生, 報名文化班,請點擊註冊單下載並將資料填妥。 列印後附上學費支票及舊生語文班註冊單。
若您是新生或在校生,但僅報名文化班課程,同上,請點擊註冊單載並填寫。 列印後並附上以下文件, 隨後請您以上申請文件在辦公時間內交給BCS辦公室(Morrill初中學校,聖荷西市)或郵寄至本校 P.O Box 地址。
- 出生證明影本或護照影本。(在校生除外)
- 支票兩張(學費及註冊費分開開立, 在校生只報名文化班亦須加付註冊費) ,收費標準請參照 學費及手續費
請注意: 文件未齊將恕不受理。註冊組收到您的文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認。
If you are a current BCS language student, please click form to download and fill it out. Then return it with a check to your Returning Student’s class representative.
If you are a new student or a current student but are only enrolled in a cultural class, please please click form to download and fill it out. Then, please drop it off during school office hours at the BCS Office (Morrill Middle School, San Jose) or mail it to the BCS PO Box address with the following required documents:
- A copy of a birth certificate or passport
- Tuition and enrollment fee with 2 separate checks (refer to Tuition and Fees)
Note: Incomplete documents will not be accepted. The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving your documents.
Cultural class enrollment will be on a first come first serve basis until the class is full or before the school starts, whichever comes first.
Mailing Address 郵寄地址:
BCS Registration Dept.
PO Box 32988
San Jose, CA 95152
2025-2026 高中綜合班註冊表格
2025-2026 High School Integrated Chinese (HSIC) Class Registration Form
隨後請您以上申請文件在辦公時間內交給BCS辦公室(Morrill初中學校,聖荷西市)或郵寄註冊單及文件至本校 BCS PO Box地址。
請注意: 文件未齊將恕不受理。註冊組收到您的文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認。高中綜合班入學名額將以先到先得方式錄取,直至該班級人數額滿或在開學前,以先到者為準。
New students wishing to enroll in a HSIC class must be in 8th grade or above in day school in the upcoming school year. Please click form to download and fill it out. Then, please drop it off during school office hours at the BCS Office (Morrill Middle School, San Jose) or mail it to BCS PO Box address with the following required documents:
- A copy of a birth certificate or passport
- Placement Test Registration Form
- Proof of day school grade
- Tuition, enrollment fee, and placement test fee with 3 separate checks (refer to Tuition and Fees)
Note: Incomplete documents will not be accepted. The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving your documents. HSIC class enrollment will be on a first come first serve basis until the class is full or before the school starts, whichever comes first.
Mailing Address郵寄地址:
BCS Registration Department
PO Box 32988
San Jose, CA 95152
2025-2026 成人文化班註冊表格
2025-2026 Adult Cultural Class Registration Form
若您目前是博愛中文學校成人文化班的在校生,請點擊註冊單下載並將資料填妥。列印後附上學費支票(收費標準請參照 學費及手續費 ) ,學校複課後交給老師或者現正以郵寄至本校PO Box 地址。
若您是新生報名成人文化班,同上,下載並填寫次註冊單。 列印後並附上支票兩張,列印後並附上支票兩張,隨後請您以上申請文件在辦公時間內交給BCS辦公室(Morrill初中學校,聖荷西市)或郵寄至本校PO Box地址。支票明細為: 學費及新生註冊費分開開立,收費標準請參照 學費及手續費註冊組收到您的文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認。
成人文化班入學名額將以先到先得方式錄取, 直至該班級人數額滿為止。
If you are a current BCS adult cultural class student, please click form to download and fill it out. Then either return the form and a tuition check to your teacher when class resumes or mail the form with a tuition check (refer to Tuition and Fees) to the BCS PO Box address.
If you are a new student, please click form to download and fill it out. Then, please drop it off during school office hours at the BCS Office (Morrill Middle School, San Jose) or mail it with the tuition and enrollment fee (refer to Tuition and Fees) with 2 separate checks to the BCS PO Box address. The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving your documents.
Adult cultural class enrollments will be on a first come first serve basis until the class is full.
Mailing Address 郵寄地址:
BCS Registration Dept.
PO Box 32988
San Jose, CA 95152
2025-2026 跳級或插班考試表格
2025-2026 Placement Test Form
本校語文班在校生欲申請跳級,必須先報考檢定考試。 請點擊跳級或插班考試表格下載及填寫,列印後須附上以下文件,及填寫,列印後須附上以下文件,隨後請您以上申請文件在辦公時間內交給BCS辦公室
- 跳級考試手續費支票一張
- 舊生語文班註冊單及學費支票一張
- 下載,填寫及列印轉班表格,轉班手續費支票一張
收費標準請參照 學費及手續費 。
若該學生未能通過跳級檢定考試或決定留在原語文班/年級就讀,註冊組會將收取的$20轉班手續費支票作廢。 而跳級考試手續費是無法事後退費的。註冊組收到您的文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認。
本校語文班在校生欲申請就讀高中綜合班,必須先報考檢定考試. 請點擊跳級或插班考試表格載及填寫,列印後須附上以下文件, 及填寫,列印後須附上以下文件,隨後請您以上申請文件在辦公時間內交給BCS辦公室(Morrill初中學校,聖荷西市)。
- 跳級考試手續費支票一張
- 舊生語文班註冊單及學費支票一張
- 高中綜合班學費差額支票$210一張 (高中綜合班學費全額是$710)
- 下載,填寫及列印轉班表格, 轉班手續費支票一張
收費標準請參照 學費及手續費 。
若該學生未能通過跳級檢定考試或決定留在原語文班/年級就讀,註冊組會將收取的$210高中綜合班學費差額及$20轉班手續費兩張支票作廢, 跳級考試手續費亦無法事後退費。註冊組收到您的文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認。
所有報名語文班的新生, 必須先報考檢定考試。請點擊跳級或插班考試表格下載及填寫,列印後須附上以下文件, 隨後請您以上申請文件在辦公時間內交給BCS辦公室(Morrill 初中學校,聖荷西市)或郵寄至本校PO Box地址。
- 跳級考試手續費支票一張
- 語文班註冊單及支票兩張(學費及新生註冊費分開開立)
- 出生證明影本或護照影本
收費標準請參照 學費及手續費 。
跳級考試手續費是無法事後退費。 註冊組收到您的文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認。
備註: 申請報名就讀或轉入初級班是不須要報考檢定考試的。
M0 = 國語學幼稚園班
C0 = 粵語學幼稚園班
CFL0 = 中文外語幼稚班
Current BCS students interested in skipping a grade must register for and take a placement test. Please click Placement Test Form to download and fill it out. Then, please drop it off during school office hours at the BCS Office (Morrill
Middle School, San Jose) with the following required documents:
- A placement test fee
- Your returning student package (Language Class Registration Form) with a tuition check
- A completed Class Transfer Form with class transfer fee
For tuition and fees, please refer to Tuition and Fees . If the student does not pass the exam for the intended grade or if the student decides to stay in the same language program/grade, the class transfer fee will be shredded. The placement test fee is non-refundable. The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving the documents.
Current BCS students interested in the High School Integrated Chinese (HSIC) program must register for and take a placement test. Please click Placement Test Form to download and fill it out. Then, please drop it off during school office hours at the BCS Office (Morrill Middle School, San Jose) with the following required documents:
- A placement test fee
- Your returning student package (Language Class Registration Form) with a tuition check
- A $210 check for the HSIC tuition difference (HSIC tuition is $710)
- A completed Class Transfer Form with a class transfer fee
For tuition and fees, please refer to Tuition and Fees . If the student does not pass the exam for the intended grade or if the student decides to stay in the same language program/grade, the class transfer fee and a $210 check for the HSIC tuition difference will be shredded. The placement test fee is non-refundable. The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving the documents.
Incoming students must register for and take a placement test. Please click Placement Test Form to download and fill it out. Then, please drop it off during school office hours at the BCS Office (Morrill Middle School, San Jose) with the following required documents:
- A placement test fee
- A completed Language Class Registration Form and the enrollment fee with 2 separate checks
For tuition and fees, please refer to tuition-fees/. The placement test fee is non-refundable. The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving the documents.
NOTE: No placement test is required if the student is entering or transferring to an entry level class (MK, CK, CFLK)
M0 = Mandarin Kindergarten
C0 = Cantonese Kindergarten
CFL0 = Chinese as a Foreign Language Kindergarten
Mailing Address 郵寄地址:
BCS Registration Dept.
PO Box 32988
San Jose, CA 95152
2025-2026 博愛中文學校轉班表格
2025-2026 Class Transfer Form
所有轉班手續必需在每學年開學後兩週內 (2025年9月6日及2025年9月13日) 提出申請。請點擊轉班表格下載及填寫,凡要求轉班(語文班或文化班),將按$20計次收取手續費。申請轉班至入門班級(MK,CK,CFLK),則無需參加程度分班考試。
註冊組將於9月6日和13日在Morrill校區Multi-Purpose Room Morrill校區Multi-Purpose Room處理轉班要求。若您有任何問題,請以電子郵件至registration@bcs-usa.org與我們聯絡。
All class transfers must be applied before or during the first two weeks of the school year (9/6/2025 & 9/13/2025). There is a $20 processing fee for each class transfer, including cultural classes. No placement test is required if transferring to an entry level class (MK, CK, CFLK). Please click Class Transfer Form to download the form.
The Registration Department will be available at the Morrill Campus Multi-Purpose Room to process transfer requests on 9/6/2025 and 9/13/2025. Please email the Registration Department at registration@bcs-usa.org if you have any questions.
2025-2026 學費退費申請表
2025-2026 Tuition Refund Request Form
註冊組將於9月6日和13日在Morrill校區Multi-Purpose Room Morrill校區Multi-Purpose Room處理學費退費要求。若您有任何問題,請以電子郵件至registration@bcs-usa.org與我們聯絡。
The deadline for tuition refund requests is 9/13/2025. Please click Tuition Refund Request Form to download the form and fill it out.
The Registration Department will be available at the Morrill Campus Multi-Purpose Room to process tuition refund requests on 9/6/2025 and 9/13/2025. Please email the Registration Department at registration@bcs-usa.org if you have any questions.