註冊信息 Registration Information

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2025-2026 學年註冊事宜  Registration Information

註冊信息 Registration Information

日期 Date 事項 Event
2/1/2025 派發各班舊生註冊報名表
Distribution of Returning Student Packages
3/8/2025 舊生註冊
Returning Student Packages Due
3/8/2025 舊生兄弟姐妹註冊
Current Student Sibling Registration
3/15/2025 新學年開放日和開放註冊開始
Open House and Open Enrollment Starts
3/22/2025 新生註冊
Open Enrollment
4/5/2025 博愛校內學生跳級考試
Internal Student Placement Test
August 2025 校外插班生考試
Incoming Student Placement Test
August 2025 新生家長會(網上)
New Family Orientation Meeting(Online)
9/6/2025 新學年開學
First Day of School
9/6/2025 註冊, 轉班, 申請退費等開始
First Day to Add/Drop/Transfer Class
9/6/2025 註冊, 轉班, 申請退費等截止日期
Last Day to Add/Drop/Transfer Class

Distribution of Returning Student Packages


博愛中文學校今年(2025-2026學年)以發送電郵的方式, 將舊生註冊單分發給各位家長.

電郵發送日期在2月1日星期一. 煩請您與各位家長確認是否收到註冊單. 家長需自行列印出表格, 草簽及簽署全名. 若未收到註冊單, 請提醒查看是否在垃圾郵件信箱內.
Parent Representatives:   BCS 2025-2026 Returning Student Registration Packages will be distributed in digital form directly to each parent/guardian’s email on Saturday, February 1, 2025. Please follow up with each parent/guardian to make sure they have received the package as it may get delivered to their SPAM or Junk Box.
Parents are required to print, initial and sign the form.

Returning Student Packages Due

班級代表需收齊班上的註冊單及學費支票, 並交回給博愛中文學校註冊組, 不能自行郵寄至學校辦公室. 收件日期為2025年3月9日上午9:30到10:30之間在您的校區辦公室.早鳥報名學費折扣.

本校學生有意參加語文班跳級考試者應照常辦理舊生註冊. 繳交註冊單及支票$465(學費)並填寫清楚跳級考試表格及轉班表格各一份. 再附上兩張各$20支票(跳級考試手續費及轉班手續費). 跳級考試成績揭曉後, 若該學生未能通過跳級考試或決定留在原年級就讀, 註冊組會將收取的$20轉班手續費支票作廢. 而跳級考試手續費是無法事後退費的.

欲參加高中學分班(HSIC)考試的本校學生應照常辦理舊生語文班註冊. 繳交註冊單及支票$465(學費)並填寫清楚高中學分班考試註冊單一份. 再附上三張支票. 各為: $205(HSIC)學費差額, $20(HSIC)考試手續費及$20轉班手續費. HSIC考試成績揭曉後, 若該學生未能通過考試或決定留在原年級就讀, 註冊組會將收取的$205(HSIC)學費差額及$20轉班手續費兩張支票作廢. HSIC考試手續費亦無法事後退費. 本校中文外語班八年級(CFL8)的學生欲就讀HSIC1班, 請繳交舊生語文班註冊單並附上學費支票: $670(HSIC).不需要再報考跳級考試.提早報名學費折扣優惠請參照 學費及手續費.

Class Representatives are required to collect the completed BCS 2025-2026 Returning Student Registration Packages and return to BCS Registration. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL THE PACKAGES TO BCS.

All completed Returning Student Packages must be returned to your campus office by Saturday, March 8, 2025 between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM for Early Bird Tuition.

If a student is interested in skipping a grade, a placement test must be taken. In addition to returning the completed Language Class Registration Form with a $465 tuition check as part of the Returning Student Package, please submit proof of day school grade, a completed Placement Test Form and a completed Class Transfer Form PLUS two additional, separate $20 checks: one for the placement test fee and another for the class transfer fee. If the student does not pass the exam or if the student decides to stay in the same language program/grade, the $20 class transfer fee will be shredded. The other $20 placement test fee is non-refundable.

If a student is interested in enrolling in a HSIC (High School Integrated Chinese) class, a placement test must be taken. In addition to returning the completed Language Class Registration Form and a $465 tuition check as part of the Returning Student Package, please submit proof of day school grade PLUS three additional checks: $205 for the HSIC tuition difference, $20 for the test fee, and $20 for the transfer fee. If the student does not pass the test or if the student decides to stay in the same language program, the $205 and $20 transfer fee checks will be shredded. For CFL8 students wishing to move into the HSIC1 class, please return the completed Language Class Registration Form and a $670 tuition check as part of the Returning Student Package. A placement test is not required.

Refer to BCS Registration Tuition & Fees for Early Bird Tuition and Standard Tuition deadlines.

Current Student Sibling Registration

舊生兄弟姐妹優先註冊的班級有 : MK, CK, CFLK

  • 國語幼稚園班(MK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生
  • 中文外語幼稚園班(CFLK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生
  • 粵語幼稚園班(CK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生

註冊辦法為: 請點擊 註冊表格 ,下載語言班註冊表格並將資料填妥, 列印後一起附上以下文件交給舊生兄弟姐妹的班代表:

  1. 出生證明影本或護照影本
  2. 支票兩張(學費及註冊費分開開立),支票抬頭為:BCS
    請注意: 文件未齊將恕不受理
    註冊組收到您的申請文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認 。

Priority Enrollment for Siblings of Current Students Class : MK, CK, CFLK

  • Mandarin Kindergarten (MK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019
  • Chinese as a Foreign Language Kindergarten (CFLK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019
  • Cantonese Kindergarten (CK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019

Please download the Language Class Registration Form at  Registration Forms / and submit it with the following required documents to your Returning Student’s Class Representative:

  1. A copy of a birth certificate or passport
  2. Tuition and enrollment fee with 2 separate checks (please make checks payable to BCS)

Note: Incomplete documents will not be accepted.
The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving your documents. Please email Registration Department at registration@bcs-usa.org if you have any questions.


Open House and Open Enrollment Starts

新生註冊座談會將幫助您了解學校概況,介紹國語部,粵語部,中文外語部 (CFL) ,高中學分班 (HSIC) 及文化班課程。請大家告知有興趣送子女到博愛中文學校就讀的親戚或朋友們参加座談會。

The Open House will help you learn more about Berryessa Chinese School and provide you with more information about the different programs from the Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL), High School Integrated Chinese (HSIC), and Culture Departments. Please spread the word to family, friends, and neighbors.

日期Date:  3/15/2025
時間Time:  9:30 am – 11:00am
地點Location:  Morrill 校區圖書館 / Morrill Campus Library


  • 國語幼稚園班(MK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生
  • 中文外語幼稚園班(CFLK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生
  • 粵語幼稚園班(CK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生
  • 高中學分班 (HSIC1) 就讀日校八年級或以上的學生

註冊辦法為: 請點擊註冊表格,下載語言班註冊表格並將資料填妥, 列印後一起附上以下文件交給舊生兄弟姐妹的班代表:

  1. 出生證明影本或護照影本
  2. 支票兩張(學費及註冊費分開開立),收費標準請參照學費及手續費

請注意: 文件未齊將恕不受理
註冊組收到您的申請文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認 。

Classes open for registration:

  • Mandarin Kindergarten (MK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019
  • Chinese as a Foreign Language Kindergarten (CFLK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019
  • Cantonese Kindergarten (CK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019
  • High School Integrated Chinese (HSIC1) – Applicants must be in 8th grade or above in day school.

Please download the Language Class Registration Form at  Registration Forms / and submit it with the following required documents to your Returning Student’s Class Representative:

  1. A copy of a birth certificate or passport
  2. Tuition and enrollment fee with 2 separate checks (refer to Tuition and Fees)

Note: Incomplete documents will not be accepted.
The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving your documents. Please email Registration Department at
registration@bcs-usa.org if you have any questions.

Open Enrollment

日期Date:  3/22/2025
時間Time:  9:30 am – 11:00am

地點Location:  Morrill 校區多用途室Morrill Campus Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) (Morrill Middle School: 1970 Morrill Avenue, San Jose)


  • 國語幼稚園班(MK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生
  • 中文外語幼稚園班(CFLK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生
  • 粵語幼稚園班(CK) 入學年齡必須於12/2/2019或之前出生
  • 高中學分班 (HSIC1) 就讀日校八年級或以上的學生

註冊辦法為: 請點擊註冊表格,下載語言班註冊表格並將資料填妥, 列印後一起附上以下文件交給舊生兄弟姐妹的班代表:

  1. 出生證明影本或護照影本
  2. 支票兩張(學費及註冊費分開開立),收費標準請參照學費及手續費

請注意: 文件未齊將恕不受理
註冊組收到您的申請文件後會透過電子郵件通知您並做確認 。

Classes open for registration:

  • Mandarin Kindergarten (MK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019
  • Chinese as a Foreign Language Kindergarten (CFLK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019
  • Cantonese Kindergarten (CK) – Applicant must be born on or before 12/2/2019
  • High School Integrated Chinese (HSIC1) – Applicants must be in 8th grade or above in day school.

Please download the Language Class Registration Form at  Registration Forms / and submit it with the following required documents to your Returning Student’s Class Representative:

  1. A copy of a birth certificate or passport
  2. Tuition and enrollment fee with 2 separate checks (refer to Tuition and Fees)

Note: Incomplete documents will not be accepted.
The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving your documents. Please email Registration Department at
registration@bcs-usa.org if you have any questions.

Internal Student Placement Test

博愛學生想参加在於2025年4月5日跳級考試, 請於3月30日之前交申請表格以及所需的文件和費用 。詳情請參閱跳級考試規則policy常見問題FAQ

Internal students (current BCS students) may apply to take a placement test on 4/5/2025 to skip a grade level to catch up with their day school grade. A Placement Test Registration Form, required documents, and fees must be submitted by 3/30/2025.  Refer to the test policy and FAQ.


跳級或插班考試必須繳交$20手續費(不退費)。如果學生錯過了考試日期, 不允許補考。

Placement Test Policy

Non-BCS students and BCS student are required to take an oral and written examination when transferring from a lower grade level to a higher grade level, or from one language program to another. Students may not request to skip a grade level that is higher than their current day school grade. A day school grade document evidencing the day school grade must be provided.

Exceptions:  A BCS student must have a recommendation from their current BCS teacher as well as the approval of the BCS Academic Committee.

There is a non-refundable $20 fee for each placement test application. No make-up exam will be given if the student misses the test.



  1. 什麼是校內甄選(跳級)考試?
  2. 甄選(跳級)考試能任意選擇跳幾年級嗎?
    依本校規定, 一學年度跳級考試只能選擇跳級一年就讀。
  3. 在校生需具備什麼樣的條件才能報考校內甄選(跳級)考試?
  4. 在校生報考校內甄選(跳級)考試辦法為何? 考試費用能申請退費嗎?
    在校生請至博愛中文學校校區辦公室索取,或至以下網站連結下載跳級考試表格及轉班表格各一份, 註冊表格 Registration Forms/, 填寫清楚報名表格並附上: 博愛中文學校上學期(九月至一月)成績單, 博愛中文學校級任老師推薦信,日校入學就讀證明,兩張各$20支票(跳級考試手續費及轉班手續費).若該學生未能通過跳級考試或決定留在原年級就讀, 註冊組會將收取的$20轉班手續費支票作廢。而跳級考試手續費是無法事後退費的。
  5. 何時舉行校內甄選(跳級)考試?
  6. 校內甄選(跳級)考試內容會是什麼?
    所有語文班都會依照各年級高低來安排不同的考試內容, 考試內容例舉:  認字,閱讀測驗及中文書寫, 報考國語班的學生熟讀注音能力是必要的。 而報考中文外語班的學生,則需通過老師所安排的會話口試。
  7. 若錯過該年校內甄選(跳級)考試日期, 會有補考機會嗎?
  8. 校內甄選(跳級)考試入選結果何時公佈?
    所有考試內容會經由學術委員會評分及審查後, 入選結果交由註冊組以電子郵件通知家長。
  9. 報考校內甄選(跳級)考試基本條件為何?
    該學生需具備及掌握該跳級年級以上之中文程度,其中文程度不僅於跳級考試之內容,況且報讀跳級之該班級人數若已額滿, 則需將該學生之名額列入後補名單。

Internal Student Placement Test FAQ

  1. What is the Internal Student Placement Test?
    It is for current BCS students who wish to skip their next BCS grade level or to transfer into another non-entry level BCS language program.
  2. How many grade levels are allowed to be skipped by the student?
    Students may only skip ONE grade level up from their current BCS grade level.
  3. Who can apply for the Internal Student Placement Test to skip a BCS grade level?
    Students whose day school grade is higher than their BCS grade and are in good academic standing in their BCS class may apply to take the Internal Student Placement Test.
  4. How do I apply for the Internal Student Placement Test? Is the test fee refundable?
    Interested students should obtain a placement test form from the office or can download it at Registration Forms /. Submit the completed form together with all required documents as applicable (proof of day school grade, BCS fall semester report card, teacher’s recommendation letter) and 2 separate checks: One for the placement test fee ($20) and another for the class transfer fee ($20), along with both the Placement Test Form and Class Transfer Form. If the student does not pass the exam or if the student decides to stay in the same language program/grade, the $20 class transfer fee will be shredded. The other $20 placement test fee is non-refundable.
  5. When is the Internal Student Placement Test?
    It will be held only in the spring, typically late March or early April on a Saturday afternoon. Please check the BCS Registration website for the exact date.
  6. What is on the Internal Student Placement Test?
    Each language program will test the students on their knowledge of Chinese that is required for a particular grade. It includes but is not limited to word recognition, reading, and writing Chinese. For native Mandarin classes, the student is also expected to know 注音. For CFL classes, there will be an oral exam given by a teacher.
  7. Is there a make-up date for the internal placement test?
  8. When will the Internal Student Placement Test results be available?
    The Registration Department will notify the parents via email after the tests have been graded and reviewed by the Academic Committee.

What are the criteria for skipping a grade?
The student must demonstrate that they have mastered the Chinese for the grade level that they are skipping. These include but are not limited to the materials on the placement test. Placement into the next level also depends on the number of spots available in the class. If the class is full, the student will be placed on the waiting list.

Incoming Student Placement Test

校外插班生,請點擊註冊表格,下載表格,列印並填寫清楚後, 附上以下文件:
1. 語文班報名表格
2. 跳級或插班考試表格
3. 出生證明影本或護照影本
4. 支票三張(學費,新生註冊費及考試費分開開立) 。收費標準請參照學費及手續費。

請注意: 文件未齊將恕不受理

BCS Registration Department
PO Box 32988
San Jose, CA 95152

Incoming students please click Registration Forms, download the registration form, and submit it with the following required documents:
1. Language Registration Form
2. Placement Test Form
3. A copy of a birth certificate or passport
4. Tuition, enrollment fee and placement test fee with 3 separate checks. Please refer to Tuition & Fees.
Note: Incomplete documents will not be accepted.
Please drop off all application documents at the BCS Office (Morrill Middle School, San Jose) or mail all application documents to BCS at the following address:

BCS Registration Department
PO Box 32988
San Jose, CA 95152

The Registration Department will notify you via email upon receiving your documents. Please email the
Registration Department at registration@bcs-usa.org if you have any questions.
日期Date:  2025年 8月(日期待定)August 2025 (date TBD)
時間Time:  時間待定
地點Location:  Morrill 校區辦公室 Morrill Office (Morrill Middle School: 1970 Morrill Avenue, San Jose)

新生家長會 (網上)
New Family Orientation Meeting(Online)

New Family Orientation Meeting will give you an overview of Berryessa Chinese School policies, parent responsibilities and what to expect on the first day of school. Families new to BCS must attend.

日期 Date: 2025年8月 August 2025
時間 Time: 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
地點 Location: Zoom

First Day of School Information (click here)

註冊, 轉班, 申請退費等截止日期
Last Day to Add, Drop, Transfer Class

語文班和文化班的退學,插班及轉班手續截止日期為2025年9月13日。註冊組將於9月6日和13日在Morrill校區Multi-Purpose Room 處理這些要求。

The deadline for all language and cultural class add, drop, and transfer requests is 9/13/2025. The Registration Department will be available at the Morrill Campus Multi-Purpose Room to process these requests on 9/6/2025 and 9/13/2025.
Please email the Registration Department at registration@bcs-usa.org if you have any further questions.



Tuition Refund Policy

Requests for tuition refund are only accepted during the first two weeks of the school year. A $40 processing fee will be applied to the tuition refund. Language and Cultural class processing fees are deducted separately. There will be no refunds after the second week of school. Please allow up to 4 – 6 weeks of processing time for refund checks. Enrollment fees are not refundable.



Class Transfer Policy

Students are responsible for obtaining transfer approval from the Instruction and Registration Department if they want to transfer to another class. Transferring to another class in the same grade of the same language program requires the approval of the Vice Principal of Instruction. All class transfers (either language or cultural) must be requested by the first two weeks of the school year. There is a $20 processing fee for each class transfer.